"Tim," Sophia said, trying to appear calm. "Let go of the handle." Once he had she unlocked the car. Tim hopped in and Sophia threw her backpack into the back seat before sliding into the driver's side. She turned the car on and backed out of the parking space. For a moment she stopped, thinking about their jackets left in the cave. Then she shook her head. She could get a new jacket later--she'd get Tim one too--but she wasn't going back to that cave. Putting the car in drive, Sophia pulled it onto the park's main road. She took is slow, going the speed limit because she didn't want to upset the park rangers. But as soon as she was on the main highway she hit the gas. She just felt utterly creeped out and wanted to get away from the park as soon as possible. Once they were a few minutes away from the park Sophia said, "Alright, we need to go somewhere and talk about this crazy shit. Your place or mine?"