**Name:** Cara. No surname. ![] (http://i.imgur.com/HDJAbI5l.jpg) **^^Cara @20 years old ^^** **Appearance** Cara is a slim, slightly underfed looking woman. Her skin is pale and dotted with freckles and her cinnamon red hair is long and usually held back in a braid. She dresses very plainly, partly by choice and partly because her clothes are provided by the merchant caravan she lives and works with and they are frugal. She wears undyed rough cotton peasant garb and during the winter a dull brown wool hooded cloak. While her clothing is very basic it is surprisingly sturdy; a good thing since she owns exactly two dresses, one pair of walking boots, one belt, and a cloak. All of which are in uninspiring shades of cream and brown. The most interesting part about her appearance is her gray eyes which spark with intelligence. Of course most people never notice that, or her. She is just one more person in a mass, unremarkable in every way. **Age:** 37 (she doesn't know exactly as she is an orphan) **Origin:** Uellia (no home city/town). She is part of a nomadic merchant caravan. **Class:** merchant **Skills:** Nullified: Cara has no ability to use or understand magic at all. Not only can she not use it, it has no affect on her. Neither harmful or beneficial spells affect her in any way. If there is something that cannot be seen except through magic she will never see it; conversely if magic is hiding something from others it will not be hidden from her. For Example: a fireball spell will not affect her however the fire that it starts is a normal non-magical file and will burn her just like anyone else. A magical poison will not affect her however a dose of mistletoe will kill her as normal...with the added disadvantage that she cannot be healed magically so she must find a non-magical antidote. In a world where magic is literally in the ground people walk on she always feels insecure, despite her intelligence, because she cannot understand what others do. Cartography: Cara has traveled extensively around Uellia, in fact he has no home save with her merchant caravan which is nearly always on the move, and has mapped every inch of where she has traveled. Her maps are extremely detailed, well drawn, perfectly scaled, and of the highest quality. It is one of the few reasons her presence is tolerated in the caravan. They fetch a very high price and even with her “cut” the profits for the caravan are still extremely high. Eidetic Memory: She has a phenomenal memory for places, able to remember down to the very last detail. She can recite back to you exactly what she saw in a certain place, down to the bugs on the ground if she noticed them, as well as size, shape, dimensions, etc. It's what makes her such a skilled cartographer. The odd part is she has trained her eyes to notice surroundings, places not people, what she reads, what she hears, etc. She could, if given the proper motivation and time, force herself to be more observant but as a cartographer at heart she focuses only on the things that go into her mapping. She could tell you how wide the road was, but not if the people she passed on her journey were male or female. Unnoticeable: It is partly her eye for her surroundings and her skills at observation and partly her paranoia that make her so good at this. She is terrified of getting hurt, injured, etc. She cannot be healed by magical means and therefore every injury is a serious thing. When her caravan is attacked, as it is from time to time, she hides. She is very careful, and often able to hide in places no one would ever notice her in. She walks in a manner that makes people not notice her. She never draws attention to herself and has actually become spectacularly good at being completely ordinary to the point of being ignored. Herbalisim/Healer: While unable to tap any magic she has taught herself a variety of non-magical techniques for healing. Mostly herbal remedies, she can also stitch a basic wound and set a broken bone. All this is done non-magically and it took her years to learn what she knows. She still doesn't have any knowledge beyond some basic common ailments but she works to study new methods. The problem is that lacking magical skill, or understanding, finding anyone to teach her is hard. She has had to teach herself from books and when she can observe healers without drawing attention to herself. Naturally she only treats herself, no one would ever ask her to treat them...not when better options are available. Much of what she learned she has never had a chance to practice so she doesn't even know if it works, just stores the knowledge up as a squirrel stores nuts. **Sample:** “Cara!! Get over here now!” The voice carried across the still camp like the sound of a thunderclap. Cara knew immediately to whom it belonged. Drekthenor. He was her former merchant master, now the head of the caravan, and she still had to cow-tow to his yells. The sun wasn't even up yet, it was still that eerie gray pink predawn light, and already he was yelling at her. “It's gonna be a fun day” she muttered under her breath, her tone dripping sarcasm. Fortunately no one really heard or, or paid attention to her. Hooking her skirts through the skirt-hikes on her belt she jogged across the camp. What could he possibly want this early in the morning, she hadn't even finished milking the three goats that were her responsibility. When she reached him she knew immediately what he wanted. A high-quality folding desk was set up, parchment and all her map making tools laid out, and Drekthenor waiting impatiently nearby. Still, this early in the morning, who the hell would want maps drawn this early in the morning? “Sir?” she asked politely as she looked around for a sign of anyone who wasn't part of the caravan. She was wildly curious about the buyer who could throw off the caravan routine. “I need six maps drawn, as quickly as possible” barked the leader of the merchant caravan to his best cartographer. Indeed she was one of the best cartographers in the land; he was lucky to have her skills available and sometimes he even remembered that. Cara goggled at the man. Six maps at once was unheard of. It would take the full day, if she was very very lucky. She actually figured it would take 2-3 days. The buyer must be very wealthy, or very powerful, to hold up the caravan for that long. Time was money when you were a traveling merchant, and they would be loosing a lot of money while they waited for her to work. “Yes sir” she said when she could hide her startled expression properly. “What maps do you wish?” “The list is on your desk” Drektehnor said, his tone calming down. “Get to work.” With that he strode off into the camp to inform everyone they would not be moving this day. Cara watched him walk away then turned her eyes to the list. With a curt nod at the paper she hitched up her sleeves, tucked her long braid down the back of her dress, and set to work. Map-making was her passion, and it was way better than milking goats. It took only moments to call up the memories required. She was under-confident in other areas but this was her arena, her strength, and she was damned good at it. She moved to the blank parchment with perfect certainty, her hand holding the charcoal easily, supremely confident in her skills.