Freya's eyes followed the rifle with a widened stare as it passed from Xerox's hands to Duncan's. She listened to the explanation with a frown, but when Zerox left and Duncan turned back to her, she righted her expression. Duncan spoke of picking her for the mission himself, and she blinked a few times. It was interesting -- she had the idea that most of the higher-ups at Garden had it in for her. She put these thoughts aside, however, when Duncan talked about finding someone for toilet duty. Her eyes instantly started darting from side to side, looking for an exit. However, that unfortunate task would not fall on her, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Duncan started walking to the comm room, and she followed at his side. **"That guy's too hasty for my taste, and I drew Haste in through my mouth once."** She stuck her tongue out in disgust. **"Nasty stuff. I prefer Bio, but it gives me acid reflux. Blind is a good middle-ground. Goes great with fish. For him, I'd recommend Slow a la mode."** Catching herself rambling once again, Freya's eyes fell to the new rifle in Duncan's hand. **"So, another one of those paragizmos, chief?"** she asked with a dissatisfied frown. **"You the type that likes to hang back and shoot? Where's the intimacy? Try that in love, and these honorable fists of mine would end up with the girl every time."** She held a fist up and clenched it with a proud grin, but then paused, realizing what she just implied. **"Not that I end up with girls. I'm a guy, but I'm a girl, and I like guys."** Freya coughed nervously, and tried to change the subject. **"So, chief, besides Lieutenant Haste, can you give me some tender details about any of these guys?"** She motioned to the others following Duncan. **"If I have to do all the heavy lifting, I will, but bustin' concrete's much easier with a construction crew than a lone jackhammer."**