**Korrigan and Shade, Nouvelle, interacting with Sophia, Milly, and Zaegar** Korrigann was currently untying the women who had been taken captive, ignoring their frightened looks. He was used to such looks, as his appearance was rather unnerving to those who weren't used to it, basically almost everyone. The fact that he had also just disemboweled and decapitated several men in front of them with the ease one would use to gut a cow, so that could also be a factor. To be honest, it wasn't hard to do when your opponents had consumed enough mead and rum to drop a mamoswine. Once they were all free, he escorted them towards the town of Nouvelle. Luckily, nothing attacked them while they were walking through, probably because Shade was giving off an a psychic signal of 'come to close, and you'll die' to every thing that came close. They soon made it to the town, where he handed over the women tomthe local guard, letting them know that their bandit problem was over. As he walked through the town, he noticed something near the center, an Articuno, which meant one thing, and one thing only. He smiled as he gave a telepathic message to Shade, then began to sink into his own shadow. A second later, he popped out of Sophia's shadow with a smile on his face. "Hello Sophia, how are you doing and what are you doing in Nouvelle?" From behind Neva,a large shadow began to rise from Neva's shadow. It moved towards the edge of the platform, and its form coalesced into Shade in all of his glory. He gave Neva and Mel a nod to show that he acknowledges their presence, but then he got distracted by how his plumage seemed to be slightly out of place. He immediately began to preen himself, not wanting to look disheveled infront of other people.