The city seemed to be in ruins. Ikebukuro Japan didn't even look as it used to, it was but a vestige of what it formerly was. All of this, because of the war that had broken out between the Colors. At the center, stood a man wrapped in a coat and another girl. Well, at the very least it seemed to be in ruins. **"Why don't you give up already, Jun? You can't even reach me, no matter what you try."** The man wrapped in the coat said. The stoic girl kept her cool despite the futile attempts of attacking this guy, she said no word and shoots out bullets from her machine gun followed by an afterimage and swipe of ice geysers, multitude of moves should be enough, she invokes from a distance that something he won't see coming, but first a mist is the cover. Their location is in ruins, floating rocks and buildings. She appears behind him quick with her guns lock and loaded, and vast afterimages everywhere that feints to shoot bullets. The coated man didn't even move. The bullets seemed to be avoiding him for some reason. That, or he was reflecting them in some manner. **"I told you, no? It is futile, no matter what you try."** He said. Then came the ice geysers and mist, trying to throw him off, but it was useless. The ice geysers again moved away from him and the mist just cut off his eyesight. Though, when Jun put herself behind him, then that was a pinch. **"My, now that's something that not even I could manage to deflect with my ability."** Hell rained down on him, bullets everywhere pursued him. However, he did not faze. With his hands still in his pockets, he seemed to have disappeared for a moment, just to appear behind the afterimages of Jun. **"But still not enough."** The buildings continued to collapse and lava erupts from the ground, she avoids it with a jump or it may seem. With the many afterimages still like ice and mist still yet slowly disappearing, she appears in front of him, point blank upside down like as if she's blurry and vibrating. A somewhat copies of her that appear to be afterimages attack with hand to hand combat from every direction. While the stilled upside down Jun who still is vibrating and blurred pulls the trigger. Letting out a sigh, the man just stays there, seeing how Jun's copies try to hurt him, to no avail. **"You still don't get it, huh?"** He sees the real Jun pull the trigger and a bullet coming out. The barrel of the gun suddenly starts melting down. **"You can't win against me. Not with your ability."** The bullet is deflected again. The man sweeps the copies away with his arm and then dashes to where Jun is, taking her from her neck with his right hand, while his left hand remains in his pocket. **"Say something, Jun-chan. This is getting boring."** She is choking and the vibrating of her stopped, they seem to be levitating due to zero gravity or more or less that is the effect of zeroth. **"A- A..."** She can't even say what she has to say rather it looks like she is cornered, yes totally outmatched by him but turning the tables won't be that bad. She delivered a grab to his head not letting go. "A time where fire fights with fire." She said. The stilled Jun that was grabbed turned out to be an ice clone. **"You're right this is getting boring. I got nothing to say to the dead unless it could be rewind, I'll have something better to say."** She finally talks but she's wounded and bleeding from her back. **"Haha, you never fail to deliver, do you, Jun-chan?"** The clone was grasping hard onto his head, but with a single motion, he broke it to pieces. **"This is just getting to the good part, then. Show me what else you can do, Jun-chan. Before she arrives." ** She sighed. **"....... D---."** A monstrous scream, huge flapping wings, and red sinister eyes, its skin is black as hell. She's terrified of its presence... **"I told you before, the lives lost is never to mourn but to move forward, how blind you are rather, I look forward seeing this unfold."**Jun appears to have stabbed him with a knife from the back. **"Be it a friend, a family, or a lover. An eye for an eye can turn whole world blind, colors that are beyond comprehension, colors that you can't understand is that of pitch black abyss, right. See you again and I hope with your strength we'll be able to stop this threat." ** **"You... bitch. I will end you. Their deads were not in vain, I will bring all of them back after I win this idiocy."** Having lost his cool, the man in the coat is about to dash against Jun once again, but this time, he is stopped in his tracks by a gigantic hand. **"Demoliorsa... Don't. Get. In. My. Way!"** The man in the coat takes the monstrous, black hand with both hands. **"I'll seriously kill you one of these days! Both you and Mirurun."** However, the monster easily lifted him, effectively deactivating his power. **"Wha!?" It lifts its arm and then brings it down full speed, with the coated man still attached to it and unable to free himself. "Damn, let me go! Let me goooo!"** He is smashed against the ground and left unconscious, with his eyes rolled back and his mouth opened. His features cannot be seen, but that much is at least clear. A man in a business suit is watching those two, **"It seeks nothing but destruction, it doesn't speak a word for humans are nothing more than insects to it."** Jun disappears. He approaches the dying man while all this destruction is being wrought. **"Now, now.. my child. You are not dead for there is still a breath of life in you. A table of glass that is, how humiliating, your loss to be beaten by a woman. Therefore you suck."** The man is standing right in front of him, crouching to get a closer look, criticizing him. --- Time seemed to have turned back. Ikebukuro Japan was as nice as it always was, birds were even chirping. A sleeping Ryousei is shaken by his shoulders. He grunts a bit before opening his eyes. **"Ryousei, c'mon, Ryousei, wake up."** A girl says, while shaking him. They seem to be in a classroom. **"Cris.."** Ryousei blinked a bit before seeing the blonde girl in front of him. **"What is it?"** **"I just received a notification from the Color Tracker."** She says, holding her smartphone on her hand. **"It seems more Colors have been given their powers. What should we do?"** She seems quite worried. Ryousei, who was sleeping on a chair with his feet up in a table stands up. **"Can you pinpoint their location?"** He asks the girl, while he stretches out a bit. **"I can, but it'll take some time."** Ryousei laughs a bit. **"It's good, I know you take some time. It's perfect, though, maybe they can get a hang of their powers while we pinpoint their locations. We can then bring them in and explain everything."** He finally ends his stretching, and the girl is already pushing keys in a keyboard. **"Everything about this foolish war. We really need to come up with a seudonym for it, though, it is confusing to just call it 'war'."**