The blaze that Terra had created drew the attention of several other people who seemed to have some sort of connection to this heavy set Magitech Elite. One was tall skinny and had startling blue eyes that sort of unnerved Terra almost as if they were glowing. The next was dressed in rugged travel wear that would have served him well in the Figaro Desert. Lastly was a man with ruff features, his cloths were as strange of the one wielding Magitech weaponry but of much more somber colors. Terra used one foot to pivot to the side so her flames were turned on every threat present. The one with the ruff features was the first to approach her and though he seemed to be speaking English the words he said made no amount of sense to her. He used strange words such as 'DUP' and 'bio-terrorist' to which Terra could connect no meaning. He seemed to be referring to both of them as something called 'Conduits'. She considered briefly that it might be his people's word for Espers but disregarded it immediately, Espers resonated with one another, even if he was gaining magic through the artificial application of magicite she would feel it. The next to speak to her was the Magitech wielder, he did not look particularly intelligent which surprised Terra, most of Kefka's guards were at the top of their game mentally and physically. His facial expressions seemed to say he was running through a very difficult problem. When it broke he did the last thing Terra would have expected, he placed the Magitech Weapon on the ground beside him before stepping forward. He seemed to be under the ridiculous impression that Terra was someone he knew who apparently never took off some sort of mask. The last to approach her was the tall one with the eerily blue eyes. He talked of them all being in the same boat, about how her magic the only thing keeping her safe was unnecessary and how everyone should calm down. Terra couldn't concentrate properly, there were too many people crowding her field of attention saying things that didn't add up and didn't make sense. She couldn't process everything that was being thrown at her. She couldn't think properly, her tears had dried on her face leaving streaks behind; she must have been a sight to behold. "EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!" Terra yelled breathing hard. Looking at the Heavy she started to yell again. His stupidity had finally convinced her he was not with the Empire. "You!" She yelled at him. "Back off or I swear on the power of the Warring Triad I will end you." Terra took three steps back as the flames coating her arms grew and spread till her whole body was covered in golden fire. "None of you know who I am, and you," she said looking at the man who had referred to her as a 'conduit' "Never again try to label my people just because you are too foolish to understand what is before you, our world is older than you could possibly dream, so just back off." She turned to the blued eyed one "As for being safe," she smiled viciously "I'll never be safe with anyone who wields Magitech weapons without a thought for the blood that when into building them." Terra felt energized and ready for a fight, her eyes glowed fiercely with fire daring anyone to challenge her.