Kalinda wasn't much for foolishness, and that's what this whole school seemed to be. Foolishness, and yet, they managed to successfully defend the world against the bad that was out there. Still, Stein had been apart of the academy for years, and did have a brilliant mind, so something must be right in his head. She flipped open the book, deciding that she might as well flipped through it. Even though she had already read through it. She sighed, deciding she didn't want to just sit there re-reading something. She raised her hand and said, "A Souls are an individuals own spiritual essence, and as such are a immaterial part of their make up. They help show a persons...personality. How they wavelengths work, and how they can pair and bond with a weapon. Each souls has its own sort of energy wave, and this is the Soul Wavelength. You can consider it a frequency. You can have different strengths of wavelengths, depending on how strong and big the soul is as well as the health of the person. Some people can actually see soul and their wave lengths. Some people can also use their soul wave length as an attack, letting them have a unique style of fighting with their weapon. A Miester and Partner can only become sufficient partners is their is a link betwein their wavelengths, and they must match" She cleared her throat, and lowered her hand. "I'd' rather not re-read something I already understand" She closed her book, and tried to ignore Tori who was giggling. "My Meister likes to know things. She just sprouts out information like it's nothing" Tori said brightly, "So Serious. She can be a bore, but she's fun. And she gave me a home. And she's just...brilliant" Tori poked Kalinda, who merely sighed.