[img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/e5/86/7e/e5867ef3dc208bb584d3250e5998abc6.jpg[/img] Name: Wren Reede Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Witch Appearance: Though actually about 5'7, she usually looks between 5'9 and 6' due to her fondness of boots and high heels. She's slim in build with a narrow waist and pale skin. The color of her hair varies from day to day, but generally tends towards an inky black. The color of her eyes also varies -glamor magic is among the easiest to sustain- but is naturally dark brown. Her style is very punk-goth, with rips, fishnets, and black clothing abound. She carries herself with confidence, chin up and back straight, and has a very expressive face.