**Arndt Schulz** "I'm fine with help, but thanks for offering," Arndt replied to Mike. When looking up for a moment, he noticed a drum set in a corner. Arndt was amazed at how he didn't see it at first glance into the room. "Hey Mike, is that yours? Do you play it at all? Oh, wow, it's been such a long time since I've seen one of these." Arndt slowly became entranced by the gloss of the drums before shaking his head a bit and returning to reality. "Er, let me check mine real quick." Arndt pulled the paper from his back pocket and looked it over, mumbling a bit. "Gym. Social Studies. Science. Math. Well, nice. Is there anything else besides those four though?" Arndt folded the paper up to put in his back pocket before going through the luggage again, listening for Mike's response.