**Daijuji Kuzaku - Firing Range, Yggdrasil** Shots rang out through the range, accompanied by the splintering of wooden targets. These were not the sounds of ordinary bullets being fired from ordinary guns, however. Twin spell cannons released their magical fury on wholly undeserving targets, their otherworldly roars echoing in the mostly-empty ranges. Shot after shot, Kuzaku, the young man known throughout several universes as the sorcerous knight "Two Sword/Two Gun," annihilated the man-sized targets one after another. As he prepared for the next salvo of rounds, he sighed and placed his guns down on the range barrier. This really didn't cut it for him. He needed to be out in the field, bringing real justice to real evildoers. Sure, the 2500 meter range he had the targets set to helped him keep up his proficiency, but it was a poor substitute for practice in the field. Feeling dissatisfied, he dispelled Cthugha and Ithaqua. The smell of phlogiston was heavy in the air, and likely clung to his clothes. Regardless, he needed a walk to clear his thoughts. All of this waiting around was killing him. Kuzaku set out through the halls of Yggdrasil, his long, silver braid swaying as he walked. He deeply pondered his purpose in this organization that had inducted him after he had become lost through the Gate of Yog-Sothoth, and his continued quest to travel back in time to meet his father. However, in his pondering he nearly bumped into two other agents, with whom he was quite familiar. Both women, their appearances suggesting that they were near his age, known as Saber and Nono. Saber intrigued Kuzaku greatly, as he considered her a kindred spirit, a true knight and master of the sword. He secretly wished to duel her, if only to test his prowess against such a powerful warrior. The other he had seen in battle only once, but her astounding power reminded him distinctly of Metatron, the Angel of Hope, one of his father's old allies. Kuzaku adjusted his braid slightly and bowed to his respected allies. "Well met, ladies, I am glad to see you are both in good health. I'm quite idle at the moment, is there anything I could assist you with?" --- Darkness. Just like back then. No presence. No energy. Just the lack thereof. Darkness. A hole in reality. An all-consuming entity. Not an oddity, an aberration, a spirit or a demon. Darkness. It had found her again. At last. And she had not escaped. 時 宙 時 宙 時 宙 時 宙 **KISS-SHOT ETERNITY : 01** Falling through the skies of a world unknown, was a woman. Some of a woman, actually. When she had appeared in the supper atmosphere, she was little more than a few drops of blood, some muscle tissue, and a splinter of bone. After falling for about ten minutes, that much matter had regenerated into the upper half of a beautiful, blonde-haired woman, unconscious and in freefall over an alien planet. The rest of her was still gradually regenerating, first bones, then nerves, muscles, fats, skin, stockings, a dress, and high heels. By the time she hit the planet's surface, creating a substantial crater with her impact, she had healed completely, and was fully dressed at that. Long, fair eyelashes fluttered as she rose into consciousness, picking herself up from the ground. Instinctively, she could tell that this world was not her own. It was barren, and she sensed things that she did not understand. And yet she was not disappearing, as she had in the frozen wastes of the South Pole. Emerging from her crater, she spotted several figures a short distance away, standing in the shadow of a massive structure. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade called out to them. "You there! Harken unto me! What manner of weird place is this?"