In a move that did not surprise Meirin, Alaira went and attacked one of the guards. She had a mixture of anger and worry; one one hand Meirin was pissed that Alaira had once again acted on her own, but than again Meirin did feel rather suspicious of these guards anyways. She did wish that Alaira would have been more... Subtle. And understandably just about everyone took up arms and readied themselves for a fight. The guardsmen took out their meager weapons and Meirin almost pitied them. But that doesn't mean that she wouldn't kill them if they had to fight. The guards argued against Alaira and frankly, Meirin agreed with them. Alaira may be right for the wrong reasons however, and Meirin was still angry at how quickly Alaira kept jumping into these fights. Before anyone could take a swing at each other however two more people came across from the bridge. Meirin didn't notice them until Ssarak gave her a telepathic message. She glanced at the two newcomers and her face grew darker. Where the others had emblems that didn't belong to these lands, the man in the robes did. In fact, Meirin knew the emblem and the baron the emblem belongs to. She didn't need to know more for her to figure out they've found themselves in a bad position. [i]"Ssarak, I think I know why these guardsmen are here. They must be allies to the local barony, and that man with the staff must be their superior. We need to settle this peacefully; the last thing we need is to be branded as criminals for assaulting guardsmen."[/i] Meirin would have tried to keep an empty head, but frankly she had no ways to fend against Psychomancers. If for some reason they want to enter her mind there was little that she could do to stop them, so she went ahead and made her thoughts so Ssarak would at least read them. "We're merely heading towards Hysteria to sell our cargo. We had a run in with bandits just the day before, and our friend here has been on edge since than. Please understand, she only wishes to protect the merchandise and... Us." Meirin choked on that last word. She didn't want to reveal Lyn's presence to these guardsmen less they try to do something to harm her. And if they did... Even Meirin would not be able to control herself. Images of children in her past flashed in her mind as she thought about protecting Lyn. Gritting her teeth and tightening her grip on her staff Meirin watched the guards to see who would make the first mistake.