**"Oh!!"** Sophie yelled aloud, having completely forgotten all about the New Years Festival. **"Drat! I was suppose to set up a booth."** She shouted, mentally hitting herself. She lifted a hand to rub the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. **"Y-you... wouldn't mind helping me, would you? If you do, I'll let you take more books with you."** she bargained, not to upset over lending more than the limited number of books. **"I wouldn't possibly be able to make it in time on my own and Kiri is sort of useless in that regard."** She continued, hearing a small meow of lazy protest from Kiri. She walked over to the pile of books and began piling them up in her arms to put on the desk so that Lucy could sort them as she liked. **"I need to get the cloth, the sign, the flyers, and the box of free books to give away. I can handle some of it, just not all of it in one trip..."** She explained, turning to Lucy with pleading green eyes. The box she could handle, but the sign was a different story. It would take a whole other person to take down there and Sophie wasn't exactly the most athletic person in town, by far she was probably the weakest next to the children.