I'll give it some thought. WOTM used to be all about polls, which would be a great tool to have, though I'm sure we can run contests without a computer counting. Trophy case is _definitely_ something I want to look at -- the planning group I had talked a lot about how to reward writers for participating. Long and short of it is, having something directly tied to the forum (as opposed to an image URL that anyone could take and modify) would be a step in the right direction. We'll have to talk about how to put that into practice -- might be as simple as gold-star, silver-star, bronze-star, but I'd like to solicit some ideas from everyone else, and also get to know the system capabilities a bit before we nail anything down. Something that's springing to mind now is, using that tabbed-thread format like in the RP sections, we could do a lot to clean up contest threads (especially in lieu of polls, and I know there were hider issues when WOTM was running on this version of the site). I'd like to set up three tabs -- one for contest entries, one for discussions/critiques/casual conversations, and one for voting. I'm hoping to experiment with shedding the anonymous-entry format at some point, and this would allow people to simply show up in the thread, read the prompts and rules, and bang out an entry without having to jump through any hoops. Plus it would make tabulating votes a breeze, and if that part is easy, we can get creative with the parameters. Anywho. This is my project for today, well, this and some much-needed housework. Expect to see some product before long.