Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Just as Ssarak feared, Alaira began to collapse in pain when the psychomancer reached into her mind. As he already had hold of her, he was able to support her enough to keep her from falling. He certainly did not want to add to her pain, so instead of a telepathic message, he leaned close to whisper to her quickly. "The robed one is the psychomancer. Let us just get through this peacefully, if at all possible." Ssarak let Alaira down gently, then looked at the robed man. He heard what Meirin said and the thoughts in her mind, just as the psychomancer no doubt had. He had also likely already determined that it was he who caused Alaira's pain, and simple deduction would tell him that Ssarak too shared his mageblood. If he focused psychomantic attacks on the robed man's wards, he might distract him from being able to harm Alaira, but he did not yet want to take such aggressive measures. For now, he could only hope that the man would stop his attempts to reach into her mind. Ssarak had not yet attempted to read the man's mind, but he no doubt had wards as well. Since both sides had a psychomancer, the advantage those abilities bring to negotiations would essentially be negated for both sides, so they would need to reach an agreement through more traditional means. Ssarak continued once Meirin finished speaking. "The bandits ambushed us on a bridge like this. They did not pose as guardsmen, but such a strategy is not uncommon. I am sure you all can attest to the danger present in this region. Our friend is rash, foolish, and judgmental, but she is not without good intentions. I regret that her paranoia brought you harm through her mistake, and I believe it would be best for us just to move on, and out of your lives."