Melina chuckled a little. "I'm half surprised they don't search everyone who comes into this town to see if they're a mage personally, but I see your point." She watched Jamie turn and begin to walk off. "Oh, and one more thing. Could you tell that shape shifter of yours to stop? It's bothering Mithera." She smiled a bit. "I would say goodbye, but I'm pretty sure we're going to run across each other again at least one more time today. Until then, I'll stay out of your guild's way." She have a little wave as she turned and walked off to find a spot she could watch the events about to transpire. --- Mayt sighed as she shape shifter called him 'Mayty'. "I guess it's better than Ser Samuri." He rolled his shoulders, looking about, and loosening his katana, knowing he was going to have to remove it. "Alright. Penny, what exactly are we looking for? I know it's a book, but I have no idea what it's called or what it contains. Since anything involving Wes' disappearance is likely in a book of more than just about that. If there's anything at all." He kicked a pebble, watching it skitter across the street. "And probably doesn't have the title, 'An introspective on odd disappearances of guild members."