![](http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/15/25170000/ngbbs53d526095631e.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Kojiro Tsubasa Gender: Male Age: 18 Occupation: Student Personality: Gutsy, overconfident, someone who loves to be active and cannot stay put, loves picking fights. Power: Super Strength Color: Bright Red --- ![](http://17shop.org/data/attachment/forum/201403/23/201953qhzanaxdjoao9o9a.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Todou Murasaki Gender: Female Age: 16 Occupation: Student and part of the library committee. Personality: A bookworm, with her nose always burrowed in aside a book, and also really lazy. Power: Telekinesis Color: Pink --- ![](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/222/a/b/my_racing_heart___drummer_aomine_daiki_by_faiotaku-d7gspo4.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Hijiri Mikaze Gender: Male Age: 24 Occupation: Main player of a minor league basketball team. Personality: Very competitive, rude and incapable of cooperating. He believes everything will be all right as long as he is the one doing it. Power: Poison, that's how he describes his power. He can secrete extremely dangerous poison from his whole body, and even turn into a mass made of poison. Color: Very deep green, almost black. --- ![](http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36400000/Junko-Enoshima-image-junko-enoshima-36494293-800-1200.png "enter image title here") Name: Kagetane Kuu Gender: Female Age: 18 Occupation: Model, Idol, Actress Personality: Someone really self centered and haughty. She believes that in the world, no one is more beautiful than her and that even a mirror should be honored to hold her image. Power: Reflection Manipulation, Kuu is able to control the reflections in mirrors and, with a little practice, can also make them real. Color: Silver --- [Appearance](http://s910.photobucket.com/user/ramshiel0415/media/50480_full.jpg.html) Name: Roderick Millworth Gender: Male Age: 18 Occupation: Student Personality: Someone who can truly disappear if you are not searching for him. He keeps a lot to himself. Also, a huge otaku. Power: Invisibility Color: Surprisingly, his color is Brown --- ![](http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/lovethee_ever/imgs/4/a/4a00037b-s.png "enter image title here") Name: Hagoro Shana Gender: Female Age: 14 Occupation: Student, Self appointed ruler of hell Personality: Shana suffers from what is called in Japan as chuunibyo, she has delusions of her being something else than a human, and obtaining a super power has just made it stronger. Power: Illusion Creation Color: Yellow