### Corivana Espada & Kyo (interaction with Claire, John, Sindri, Zavier, and their pokemon) **Road to Hiden - Ayero** ------- **"Ahaha! Yer pokemon do be havin' a temper as bad as a beached wailmer, Claire Terrane, Head o' yer House."** Corivana stood with her arms folded beneath her breasts. She had taken a defensive stance between Kyo and the angry Groudon, and she wasn't about to let anyone hurt Kyo, not even a pokemon as impressive looking as Groudon. When Claire managed to settle him down, Corivana's stance eased, though she kept her hands where she could reach her scimitars from where they hung across her back. _Just in case_. When the topic of conversation came to introductions, Corivana locked eye with Kyo for a moment, and the master of the sea seemed to radiate peace. _'If they don't seem dangerous to Kyo, I guess I can introduce myself.'_ She decided, glancing around at Sindri and finally John, who she hadn't paid much attention to before. John was an odd one, perhaps more dangerous than the one dressed oddly, the closer she looked she realized. _'How didn't I notice that before?'_ **"I do be Corivana Espada, not head o' nobody, from the House o' vegetable pickers and boot lickers o' the country o' Ayero."** Her face took on a somewhat disgusted grimace at the mention of her family before she replaced it again with a smirk. **"I do be sailor o' the great sea, and a bloody member o' the King's Guard, pleased 'ta make yer acquaintances."** Her eye glided over to Claire, as if to say _especially your's_. **"This do be Kyo, I do be sure ye know of her. She wont be doin' any fightin', so ye can feel assured ye be safe from her."** Corivana gave Kyo's nearest fin a fond pat, and the legendary pokemon practically beamed her joy.** "And this do be a vulpix I found just recently, 'aven't named the scurvy mutt just yet. He do be hatin' that collar o' his, it seems."** She moved a leg to the side to indicate Zavier, who was huddling behind her and out of sight of the others. **"I do love yappin' the days away me mateys, but I do no want to hold up the Lady Claire. I can escort ye where ye need to go, if ye so wish me lady."** Corivana said with a flourishing bow as she produced a scarlet lily from somewhere on her person to hand to Claire. **"I will protect ye from morphs or bandits, and from the King's Guard itself if it do come down to that, for one as beautiful as ye do be, Lady Claire."** ------ ### Sophia Skyheart & Neva (interaction with Milly, Zaegar, Korrigan and their pokemon) **Nouvelle - Lugere** ------- _'Milly...'_ The nickname rang through her head, and she finally began remembering where she had heard the name before, and why Millicent Cheviot was so familiar to her. Long ago, her father had invited the Cheviots over and their daughter had come along. The other girl was tomboyish in comparison to Sophia's delicate nature, and Sophia had hurt herself during the last visit they spent together. They were playing on the waterfalls of the hot spring pools, and Sophia slipped and hit her head on the concrete... Her lips turned down into a small frown as she remembered her father ordering the maids to take Milly away from Sophia when he found out. They had never played together again, though Sophia did remember those days fondly. She hadn't been able to interact with other children often, and it was a dear memory for her. She peeked through her bangs at Milly and smiled. **"That would be great, Milly! Neva, did you hear? We're going to go to Milly's house!"** Was all she could say before something made all of her hair stand on edge. She knew this feeling, she was positive it was _him_. From behind her, Korrigan seemed to melt out of the shadows along with his pokemon, Shade. **"Korri!"** She exclaimed, losing all of her formality as she threw her arms around him in a hug, then looked at Shade as he preened himself. **"Shade! What are you doing here?! Milly, do you mind if we have another guest come with u--"** All of the sudden Neva tore into the air above the plaza with an angry screech, stopping her flow of cheerful words. Horror put on a play in front of her as her articuno descended upon a young man talking to a guard. The legendary ice bird brought a powerful gust of wind before it, forcing the guard to his knees. **"AWRAAAAAAAAACK!!!!"** Neva screamed through his gaping beak, his predatory eyes gleaming with fury as he prepared to lunge at Zaegar's neck. **"STOP NEVA!"** Sophia's hoarse voice carried across the square as she ran, or tried to run, towards Neva and Zaegar. She tripped at the steps, falling down and rolling till she hit the bottom. One of her elbows was bleeding through her coat, and a long piece of her leggings had torn in the tumble. **"Neva, you are my Guardian, not some barbarian that hurts every one around him!"** The articuno stopped mid-lunge, just inches from Zaegar's throat. He tossed his head back irritably before swiveling his gaze around. When Neva saw Sophia laying at the bottom of the steps, bleeding and glaring daggers at him, he rushed over, leaving the Morph who had offended him unharmed in his haste to be with _his_ Sophia. When he arrived he began to nuzzle her with his head and beak, and he practically cooed at her injuries like a mother would over her children. **"Neva, _stop_ it."** Sophia's tone didn't match her words as some laughter came through, though her expression told Neva he was in trouble with her. **"I sincerely apologize for my pokemon's behavior."** Sophia said as she stood up unsteadily, placing a hand on articuno to steady herself. **"I hope he didn't hurt you."** She gave a small bow of her head to Zaegar and the guard who was now just standing back up to his feet. **"Shall we go now, Milly? Korri?"** The remaining guards who were present had very different ideas about what would be happening, and had formed a defensive line between the aggressive articuno and Milly. Machokes flexed their muscles threateningly, and guards gripped their weapons, all they were waiting for was a word from Lady Millicent Cheviot to dispatch of the aggressors. Sophia placed a preemptive hand on Neva's chest to stop him from doing anything else to make their situation worse, and gave Korrigan a look that said _Please don't interfere_. Sophia's eyes trailed up to Milly, and she gave the other noble girl a knowing smile. She knew that Milly could take care of her own guards, there was no need for Sophia to do a power play in a city that wasn't her's. Especially when she was supposed to be travelling somewhat nondescript.