The projection lacrima wasn't the best of all the days. The quality of the character was heavily pixeled and the voice had constant static, but it was good enough to understand what was being spoken. After Angelica's sudden screech, Grane decided to add his input in this meeting "Sorry again for not actually being here at this moment and that this lacrima projector isn't doing its best, but we should still be cautious. Although it may be Jamie, I would have to agree with Spencer that it is not an innocent visit if a guild master of a well known magical guild suddenly brings his or her guild members to our door steps. Should I remind us that this is not the first time that we encountered a group that has underestimated our power. Despite a person who doesn't even reveal their own identity to his or her own fellow guild members seem suspicious and untrustworthy to have walking around Kapu, they haven't done anything wrong yet. But if they do some how make the mistake that others did before them, then it is their own fault for even attempting to come here, apologizes won't even be enough if anything went wrong here." There was a short pause and followed by sigh he he continued, "I'm not to far away, but if anything bad happens make sure to contact me and I'll be there as fast as I can. We cannot afford to have this guild mess up all the hard work that we achieved. There's no telling what would could happen if it all went down hill. But as I mentioned earlier, I'm almost there and shouldn't waste anytime just standing so I'm sure the rest of you got this handled. Grane out." And with that the projection faded out.