Ace admitted to a fault he may not have been aware of prior to this moment. With Lin he didn’t have to be a leader, she could be a friend he can confide in for advice or just an honest opinion. As the Empire continued to hold the worlds in an iron grasp, the young girl hoped that he would never forget to keep her in his heart and mind. Friends weren’t difficult for Lin to come by, but Ace’s role as a leader figure in this fight may have unfortunate results on his mentality. The pressure of keeping them all safe and making the best use of their abilities seemed like a hard job, and it was one Lin didn’t feel eager to try for herself. Dismissal of the wounded arm because his life had brought him greater scenes of horrors did not change anything for Lin. Ace was worn and needed time, and Lin would say no more as he turned and walked back to bed. For a friend there was saying the right thing, and saying the wrong thing too. There was hope that in her words Ace would find that she was not out to criticize him as a human being, but that she only cared about his heart. The Ace she met in China was a caring boy, and she’d fight to make sure that within himself he kept his good nature and smile. Shizuka had passed by him and come to join her, carrying two brown cups of what Lin assumed to be water. Taking one in hand, Lin took a drink and did not mind its warmth in the slightest. The heat she could endure, but as remarkable as Lin was when it came to handling extreme temperatures she was still as human as anyone else in this room. The refreshing cup of water had emptied in moments, leaving Lin satisfied. A smile had shown itself, the gratitude to Shizuka plain on her face. Bowing her head in thanks to her friend, Lin raised her head back up and had begun to consider her home. It had been quite some time since Shizuka and Ace had been to her home; changes were few, the regime of the Empire was still constrictive but the rebellion was biding its time as best as they could. Restricting her people’s freedom hurt her, and a hand had went to grip her chest tightly as if pain had struck her. Shizuka and Ace could have seen it in her eyes – she missed China, so much that it hurt her. **“It’s …good. Mulan, Shang, Chien-Po, Ling, Yao …they told me to say hello to you and Ace, and to kick a lot of butt while we fought.” **Lin’s lip quivered, but she continued on. **“It’s hard to endure the foreign grip on our home, but as of right now we cannot take reckless risks. A strategy is forming to help free our people with the remnants of the Imperial Army that did not surrender once the Emperor was …”** Lin recalled the horror of his sudden execution and did not want to remember the panic that ensued. Invaders from an outside world who had overwhelmed any opposition the Chinese people had put up, any skirmishes were settled quickly without much favor in the corner of those native to the world. Notable figures who were loyal to the Emperor had to go into hiding, the people she had named were very much willing to fight, but there was one person who had convinced them to bide their time for the good of the people they cared about. **“Han, he’s well.”** Lin’s focus moved to her dear brother, the man who had looked out for her all her life. Shizuka would remember him well enough, and the reason for that brought a smile to her lips. She was beginning to recall better memories now.** “I think he’d want to see you again Shizuka, and Ace too. He still refuses to fight unless he is forced. His conviction will not falter, unless …”** Lin knew what it would take to force Han to take action. He was a good man and someone she could look up to; he loved his people, and he loved her more than anything, yet still he refused to pick up a sword and join in this fight. She couldn’t understand his reasons but knew that her brother was the smartest and bravest man she had ever met – if she brought Shizuka and Ace back home, perhaps he’d fight once he heard what was happening in the outside world. **“Remember that time when I brought up you and I becoming sisters …if you got married with my brother?”** Lin’s eyes sparked with childish joy, her smile was brimming with confidence. The nights they had spent together in China were ones she held dearly in her heart, and she’d never forget how fun it was to tease Shizuka about her crush. **“I was immature back then, and I kind of still am. Regardless, I hope that he’ll see …just how special you are, Shizuka. It’s because of him, you, and Ace that I could continue trying to get stronger. I want to help protect good people, and fight beside my friends for what’s right. When we get back to China, I’m going to tell him how wonderful you are, and maybe finally he’ll let someone in. I want it to be you, Shizuka. He likes you, so I’m sure with enough time he’ll be able to talk to you about things he won’t with me!” ** Lin figured she was just being a kid, but she was a kid who was soon to be a great warrior. Her eyes were moistened with the fond possibilities of the future, and it was a future she hoped she could share with Shizuka and Ace. ~-~ The twitches of Asahina and the grumbles within her throat had not gone unnoticed. Alem could determine quickly that that beast was after something. The Empire had been too tight-knit with the dealings in Agrabah, and never before had something like this run rampant in the streets. As it struggled to bring itself forward, Alem’s eyes wandered to Asahina, fearing for her safety as well as fearing what she might do. She had claws that she found grotesque, yet could probably shred flesh with ease as long as her aggression was properly guided. She was discomforted by her own body, and some kind of impulse was blooming as a result of this monsters presence. If she wasn’t here he would have taken Aseela and tried to guide it out of the city to avoid damage, but a beast and a beast, and it appeared as stupid as it was hideous. Its desire to race towards Asahina would be its undoing. **“It’s after you, hiding will no longer do any good. I could best it in one play, but there is no sense holding you back. It will have the attention of the entire population; should we end this quickly, I may still have time to hide you away, but that window is looking smaller by the second.”** Alem flexed his right hand idly by his side. Sand below them had begun to be attracted to it before revolving around it. At the palm of his hand a hilt had begun to form, followed by an entire blade; his khopesh had been called, the sands Alem had beckoned also encouraged its presence. The summoning was unnatural, but so was whatever desired Asahina so badly. **“We’ll devote ten seconds onto this skirmish, and if we cannot end it quickly enough we will be overwhelmed. Allow me the first move against that beast, it’s no match for us. When I lower my hand, make your move.”** Alem had stepped forward, extending his left hand forward towards the beast. Small grains of sand surrounded Alem and Asahina both, raised off of the ground at numerous heights and gradually expanding outwards to offer better awareness of the area. The grains were disturbed both above ground and within it; Aseela’s huffs of warning served as a secondary notice. There were things in the area that didn’t belong. **“Never mind what I told you about hiding, it's too late. Attack, now.”** Alem muttered. Emitting power from his being and bringing it forth towards the beast that had broken free and charged towards them stupidly, its ‘speed’ was reduced to nothing more than a painfully slow trot that could easily be taken advantage of. His ability to reduce the speed of others dramatically had provided Asahina the perfect advantage for dealing with a mindless beast such as that. Lowering his hand, Alem turned back with his blade drawn to fend off the creatures he felt moving through the very surface of the ground towards him. With what weapon he carried, Alem already knew of the creatures and had encountered them on several occasions outside of Agrabah. The presence of another had not gone unnoticed, and even though he had stopped the fodder that had tried to attack him Alem was not happy to see this man again. Whomever had released that beast had not only placed the people in danger out of their own impatience, but now he had to once again deal with scum because of it. He had underestimated the laziness of the Empire, and his tolerance had run out. He’d act against them now, not just for the people but his own satisfaction as a result of this cruelty. No more chances. Aseela stood firm knowing that the safest place was close beside Alem. **“Walk away.”** Alem warned Salforge. He would not be intimidated, reasoned with, or accepting of anything that would be said. It was because of his comrade’s lazy stupidity that Alem was no longer in a mood to entertain the Empire’s dogs, and that included the man who chose to make idle chat.