#### Bella Bella walked into the room, glad to have finally found the right place. She was slightly surprised though when she saw the slight mess scattered across it though. The things seemed to be someone else's personal belongings, especially the photo of the girl sitting on the side table. *Wouldn't someone have taken the stuff with them when they left the school?* she thought to herself. She cleared out a space on the dresser and set her bags down. She decided to notify one of the people who worked here later. Maybe the stuff was forgotten by mistake. Bella walked over to the window, watching crowds of people weaving around the school grounds. She wondered how well she would like it at this new school. Even though she was still mad at her parents for forcing her to come here, she thought that it would be nice to start over where nobody knew her or her past. At her old school she was always haunted by reminders. People would constantly ask her questions, or try to make her talk about it when she really didn't want to. She was in an entirely new country now though. Nothing that happened before really mattered anymore. She glanced at her schedule that the principal had handed her, then at the clock on the wall. She still had some time before class. Deciding that it seemed rather nice outside, she grabbed her sketchbook, walked out of her room, and headed down out of the dormitory. She sat down on one of the benches and started doodling on one of the sheets of paper.