- Name: Gue'vesa'ui Velk'Han Sabina Shi'ur Carolinus. Quick explanation on the Tau parts of her name: Gue'vesa ("Human Helper") is the name given to humans who accept the Greater Good and join the Tau Empire, and a Gue'vesa'ui is the equivalent of a sergeant to a squad of Gue'vesa auxiliaries; making it more of a rank than a name. Velk'Han indicates that she is from the Velk'Han Sept, and Shi'ur ("Strong Triumph") is a Tau name she took as a show of loyalty to the Empire. So her "name" is roughly "Human Auxiliary Sergeant of the Velk'Han Sept, Sabina Strongtriumph Carolinus. - Age: 21 - Gender: Female - Appearance: [Filthy xenos sympathizer.] (http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Tau-Empire-Gue-vesa-507455331) - Canon, AU, or OC?: OC - Universe of Origin: Warhammer 40,000 - Personality: Sabina is somewhat more idealistic than you'd expect a human from the grimdark future of the 41st millenium to be. As she grew up in a mixed human and Tau culture, she firmly embraces the philosophy of Tau'va, or the Greater Good as it is more commonly known to humans; the ideal that all sentient beings should strive to ensure the greatest good for the greatest number of beings in the galaxy. In addition, due to being far from the worst excesses of the Imperium's corruption and ruthless dogmatism she is somewhat more open-minded than most humans of the Imperium and will accept new ideas and technologies rather easily. Despite this, she _does_ still venerate the God-Emperor of Mankind, although in a somewhat warped way; the most obvious difference from the norm being conveniently forgetting the "abhore the alien" part. She's not as observant as a human from the Imperium, though. - Abilities: Sabina is fully trained for combat, and whilst she does not possess the superhuman abilities or extensive training of a Space Marine she can still at least hold her own in a fight. She is a pretty decent marksman, and much prefers using her guns to fighting in close quarters. - Equipment: [Pulse rifle] (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Pulse_Rifle), [EMP grenades] (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/EMP_Grenade), [Markerlight] (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Markerlight), [laspistol] (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Laspistol), knife, flak armour. - Backstory: Grim darkness, far future, only war, etc. etc. you all know that part. On the eastern fringes of the galaxy, the ancient and monolithic Imperium of Man borders the upstart Tau Empire, a civilization of aliens dedicated to the philosophy of the Greater Good. The young race has expanded their territory rather exponentially over the past few centuries, eventually even engulfing some human-held worlds. Whilst pretty much every other race in the galaxy would do so by enslaving and/or brutally murdering the native populace, the Tau are marked out by the fact that they will actually resort to diplomacy first and only bare arms when that fails. At first many of these Imperial worlds were taken by force, but as the word of the Greater Good spread, as well as the fact that humans were actually being treated better by the alien civilization than their own people and that they were allowed to still worship the Emperor as part of the Tau Empire, a few worlds chose to secede of their own free will. A few generations ago, that is exactly what happened to Sabina's home planet; she is a third generation Gue'vesa, which is the name that the Tau use for humans who have embraced the Greater Good. Unfortunately, the Imperium of Man, due to their dogmatic xenophobia, aren't exactly pleased with the Tau Empire gobbling up their worlds and have declared all Gue'vesa to be heretical traitors. Currently, the Achilus Crusade is trying to recapture some of the worlds of the Velk'Han Sept in the name of mankind, and whilst Sabina's world is currently the furthest away world from the current conflicts she knows that it is only a matter of time before the Imperium (amongst other, even worse things) turn their eye upon it. As such, she has trained as a Gue'vesa Auxiliary, willing to turn arms against her own kind in the name of the Greater Good. Unfortunately, during a recent engagement she and her cadre were attacked by something even worse than the Imperial forces; the traitor legions of Chaos. During a vicious firefight, she was struck by a bolt of psychic energy hurled by a vile sorcerer of the ruinous powers, but luckily for her she didn't die. Instead, well... She ended up in another universe. - Faction: UMMA