Appearance: ![Vivi]( She does not have that tattoo, though. Name: Viviana Blix Nickname: Vivi, Vi Age: 16 Gender: Female (Why did I leave this question here? This should have been obvious from the hiders...) Likes: - Cherry blossoms - Sweet foods - Reading - Cooking - Quiet places - Music - Archery Dislikes: - Centipedes - Swearing - Guilt Trips - Feeling stupid - Crying - Being underestimated Personality: Vivi is a bit quiet, but not outwardly timid. When around someone who greatly annoys her, she does her very best to completely ignore them, but is always willing to listen to people who do not irritate her. Though more of the type to wait for others to go to her, rather than going to them, she is normally willing to help most people in any way possible. Inwardly, Vivi is often concerned with what others think and worries quite a bit about her own behavior. The thought of making people angry scares her, and she would rather avoid confrontation whenever possible. She also tends to get secretly angry a lot, but is afraid of going overboard in her actions when she does express this anger. Still, once she does become angry, she can lose herself pretty quickly, and doesn't like backing down even as she beats herself up for it afterward. History: Vivi's parents went through a difficult divorce. Truthfully, she was glad for it, as she didn't think that the two really matched together that well. She also lived with a couple of older siblings, but she wasn't exactly on the best terms with them when she was sent to the mansion. She actually volunteered to go the mansion, a bit foolishly, perhaps, as a way to spite these older siblings. Sadly, she really didn't think her plan through and now sort of regrets it. (More TBR) Other: She can play the violin. Theme Song: [Breaking The Habit](