**Garsing Folkver** "Thank you, sir." He said with a slight bow of the head. When he was asked about a roommate he hesitated a moment. On one hand he didn't want a roommate, he hadn't normally been around other people and a stranger in a room where he can't seem him didn't seem to be a good idea. On the other, he kinda did want one. This was supposed to be a fresh start and meeting some new people may do him some good. "If it is necessary for you, then I will be happy to oblige," He said formally, nodding with a slight smile. He turned to where he heard the lady last, "I would be most grateful if you would escort me ma'am." As he stood up he looked to where the principal was and gave one more little nod, "Thank you again, sir. Have a nice day." Garsin had always been polite. It was drilled into him since he was little. Sometimes, however, he wondered if he laid it on too thick.