### Dysmoira Bazgard **« _On the road to Meridian_ »** Tryndamere's hooves were the most prominent sound as they clipped and clopped over the ground dirt and cobblestone underfoot. Dys had decided to take a small detour from the more direct path in favor for the scenery of windswept trees and small creeks trailing inbetween the trees and rocks. A squirrel darted off of the road every so often, or a flock of birds were startled out from a low lying crop of brush as she and Tryndamere cantered past. It was a peaceful moment, seemingly right out of a fairy tale. When they crested a hill, Dys spotted a carriage heading in the same direction as her. _'More recruits?'_ She mused but put it out of her mind, enjoying the rest of the ride. ------ **« _During the Briefing_ »** She stood in line with the rest of the recruits as they were briefed on their mission. She had no fear of being in dark and cramped places, but she noticed some of the others looking uncomfortable over the idea. Claustrophobia was serious among the surface dwellers, something Dys had no idea how to comprehend. It was a _very_ rare dwarf indeed that would be afflicted with that fear, and she had never met one living in the Undermountain. _'Bandits... fools or tools?'_ She wondered, thinking about why they would hold up expansion. They were prominent in this day and age, and would pick off the weaker villages - but she had wondered if some of them weren't hired by mages to simply get in the way of the Luminous Knight's progress. It was just a theory, but it made her want to split their skulls open more. _Nobody_ would impede their progress. She shared smiles with her fellow Knights, including those she had been rough with in the past. They had shaped up considerably, but she was glad to see they had, had the fear driven from them. Or maybe _beaten_ from them would be a better way to put it? Varkasan was her favorite of the other recruits with his cheerful personality, but he was a tad bland in some aspects. He wouldn't break the rules, or take chances, but that was also the good part of his personality. He was reliable, dependable, and a solid teammate. Somebody Dys would like to have at her side in any battle. However, Freiya seemed to be adept at taking chances. The human woman was more fiery than Dys had been as a teenager, jumping headlong into battle and attacking with a fury. Dys didn't enjoy Freiya outside of combat as much... she could be melancholy and irritable, and sometimes the dwarf would have liked nothing better than to give Freiya the good old _"dwarven flagpole"_ as punishment for her attitude. The only good thing about her, in Dys's opinion, was her love of alcohol, judging by the wineskin Freiya took swigs from frequently. Then there was the envied recruit, Alicia. Even now other Knights, men and women alike, stole glances at her while the briefing continued. Dys didn't understand it. Alicia was quiet, proficient, focused - but honestly, she was a weapon instead of a human. Dys couldn't enjoy the company of somebody so very... Mechanical. Dys didn't envy her at all. She was amazing in combat, but hardly equaled Varkasan as a **team mate**. She focused back on her duties as she got prepared to go out on her first mission. Her first _real_ battle, filled with people wanting to split _her_ skull open. The idea was exhilarating. -------- **« _Battle against the Bandits_ »** The ride was comfortable for her, unlike her fellow Knights. They grumbled but barely spoke during the cold journey stuffed in the crates, while she was reading her book from a stream of light coming through a crack in the wood. It was just coming upon an interesting theory involving Luminosity and Elf magic when it was _go time_. Dys shut her book with a fierce smile, and tucked it away in her pouch and sprang out with her fellow Knights. Alicia was ahead of her to getting to the battle, something that fueled Dys's competitive nature. Varkasan wasn't far behind to lend his support, proving that he was the backbone of the recruits in every respect. _'Good on you, Vark.'_ Dys thought as she engaged a bandit, juked around the swing of his smaller axe and swung her own down with surprising speed, cutting through his torso. Her eyes scanned the battle field, and Freiya was no where to be seen. _Yet_. The suicidal woman would be around eventually to take the glory, Dys was sure of it. _'Something is odd about this.'_ Dys realized as she easily dodged and cut down yet another bandit with the ease of which she could dispatch a training dummy. They had no coordination, no fire in their eyes,** _nothing._ ** Dys actually backpedaled from the next bandit she was fighting, unsettled by the current events. He charged toward her just to charge, a puppet set to it's stage. Dys dodged his attack and, instead of using her weapon to slice him in half, punched him so hard with a burly fist that he was knocked out, cold. She slung the bandit over her shoulder with one arm, the other one deftly parrying attacks with her battleaxe. _'The Captain'll have to talk to this one. This is the work of Magic, I'm sure of it.'_ Well, she was _nearly_ positive of it. She carefully dodged around groups of Knights fighting bandits, intent on getting this one bandit back alive. She couldn't afford to lose valuable information, and if he had nothing to tell... well, in the name of the Luminous Knights, she would execute the fool herself.