Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Most of the guards were still angry, which was perfectly understandable, but the robed man seemed much more calm. Unfortunately the amount he demanded in reparation was far above reasonable. It was possible that it was simply a high first offer which could be haggled, but in any case, it was far too much for them to pay. It did, however, open up an avenue of conversation that could get them through witout further violence, as the promise of gold could, even a smaller mount, could significantly lower the weary guards' willingness to fight. Lyn had also revealed herself, which was concerning, but as long as they were still negotiating, Meirin would have time to get her back into the wagon. "I understand your anger, as I would share it in your position, but you know that a bloody nose and bruised neck is not worth three years pay. The idea of reparations, however, is not unreasonable. OUr friend was out of line. It was her judgment, her mistake, and it should be her consequences. I can offer all of her gold for the transgression. It is not three years pay, but it is a price we are actually capable of paying. This is gold on top of the normal toll, for your own use. It goes to yourselves, not your superiors, and most of all, it comes at no risk to you. You need not fight well-trained guards to obtain it;, you can just have it at no risk to your own lives. Just free gold, with no more hassle. Alaira, give me what you have so I may count it." Ssarak said. He had a few ideas in mind for his counteroffer. For one, it offered something of a sense of justice, as it punished specifically the one who harmed them. For some, seeing somone who had hurt them suffer could make up for a lesser monetary reward. As well, it was an offer that took advantage of some of their fears. Even just by appearances alone, most of the caravan guard looked to be in better shape than the bridge's guards. Fighting the caravan guard would be a significant risk to their lives, and what Ssarak was offering allowed them to recieve extra payment with none of that danger. Ssarak made sure to look across each of the guards as he made his offer so that they knew he was talking to them all, as even if his words did not convince every single one of them, he could possibly divide their opinions.