Gunnos had checked up with Daniel to ensure his safety and was making one last round of the lower floors when he was suddenly interupted. “What the-!” he yelled out as some blue blur came dashing around the corner and slammed into him at full speed. For a brief second it brought him back to the frost wurms of Dorghor, a memory he did not wish to relive, but he was quickly pulled back to the present to realize that this particular blur was just a humanoid, a young man of a race he didn’t immediately recognize. The initial shock and impact had caused Gunnos to stumble and fall unceremoniously on his ass despite being normally sure-footed. Although he didn’t consciously remember drawing it, his shotgun was in his hands. “Gods, ye spooked me, lad.” he said as he clumsily scrambled back to his feet. The boy wasn’t wearing silver, so didn’t seem like an immediate threat, but he wasn’t in an IGCP uniform either. As far as he knew, there shouldn’t have been any civilians inside the military base when the attack happened, so what was he doing here? “Wait a sec. Ye ain’t one o’ us nor one o’ them silverclad. How did ye get in here?” he questioned sharply, while holding onto his gun just in case the boy meant to use that sword at his hip. He didn’t like acting distrustful to strangers, but sometimes it was necessary.