Traest was about ready to call it, when a rocket arched through the sky before igniting the craft. He let loose a laugh as he turned to see a squad of troops waving at him from up on top of the ridge. He waved his good arm back at them before making for the hill, trusting his jedi companion to follow him up. Making it to the top, finally. He looked at each of them, this should have been a squad of six individuals however as of right now it was made up of four. He turned to the most senior officer. "Patch in on my commlink frequency, channel 2. We're going to make a push for rally point Beck." He turned to his Jedi friend. "Try and keep up, don't worry about healing anyone just yet. We'll do that before our push up against the compound." ---**Half an Hour Later**--- Traest stood in what made for their little camp, the end of the treeline was 500m away, which then faced onto a vertical face up to the compound. Chosen as it was typically hard to climb, however if the trees were used to get them part way up the rest of the climb would be far easier. And possible with the length of grappling cords they had. He looked around at the motley group of soldiers he had left, and the Jedi who were with them. The Jedi looked the worse, the ones that had worn robes were surely regretting it. He moved his right arm, a Jedi had taken a look at it and set the bone but one good knock and it'd be broken again. Many others in the group were sporting similar injuries, from falling from the dropship or from the fights with the Mandalorian hunters. By the time the sun had began to set it had disappeared and rain had started to fall making everyones mood worse. However on the bright side it made them harder to track, many of the skiffs that had been chasing them had been seen returning to the compound. He looked to the group. "All right people, you know the objective. Five minutes till we are go. Get yourselves in full gear and get yourselves ready. This won't be easy."