[b]Appearance:[/b] (I couldn’t find a picture) Steven has blond, spiky hair and blue eyes. No other distinguishing features. [b]Name:[/b] Stevenesky Ritrock [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Alignment:[/b] Luminous knights [b]Personality:[/b] Steven comes off as somewhat indecisive but in truth, he doesn't like to do anything before he has all the information. Steven doesn't like to be wrong and tries to avoid that most of the time, but can be quite indecisive at times. Also, he usually thinks to himself and, as a result, can seem to be fairly unobservant. Additionally, Steven’s opinion is easily swayed by others and he often keeps to himself, which has led to some situations in the past. [b]Bio:[/b] Steven was born a non-mage to 2 mage parents who decided to hide their magic from Steven. Life for Steven was a little lonely as his parents were mages. Even if he wasn’t aware of it and no one brought it up, he felt the effects. One day, he met the son and daughter of a local noble. Not knowing his standing, he befriended them anyway. The daughter (Esmerelda) was sickly and Steven was an indoors kind of kid so he only played with her the few times she went outside. The son (Drakul) was rather pretentious and had plans to be the greatest Luminous knight ever. After a few years, Esmerelda’s condition got better and Steven followed Drakul because of his (false and baseless) authority. It was a fairly happy time. Then, his parents died from an illness. Having nowhere to go, Steven was adopted into the household of Drakul and Esmerelda’s parents and lived some more. Over the years, Drakul trained to become a Luminous knight, and following the suite, so did Steven. There were official instructors for his dual small weapon training, but it was clear that he was looked down upon, being the son of 2 mages and a commoner in a noble family, so he spent a lot of time outside. One day, he found a hunter with really good accuracy, so Steven asked to learn from him. He was pretty good at it and kept going with it, in addition to taking lessons with dual daggers. A few months later, Drakul and Steven went to become Luminous knights, along with some of Drakul’s noble friends. After the basic training in which he mastered his bow skills as well as his dual wielding skills, and he found someone to teach him martial arts, so he could kick people while using his bow. Drakul and friends also got through. At the time of initiation, Steven knew it would hurt a lot, but he was worried about Drakul and co, Nobles who really hadn’t felt pain before. The initiation hurt a lot, but Steven found that it wasn’t as much as he expected. But after he tried to find Drakul, he found that the initiation had changed him and made him quieter. He almost didn’t talk at all. Neither did any of his noble friends. Steven noticed that he was more responsible, and less pretentious, which was good, but odd. Shrugging that aside as an overall positive thing, Steven focused on being a good Luminous knight because that was what he had joined for and he wanted to prove that he was worthy to be in a noble family. [b]Initial spells/techniques:[/b] [i]Arrow of light[/i]: Steven coats an arrow with Luminosity making it stronger and giving it anti-magic properties. That said, it’s a low level spell and the damage increase is small. Additionally, he can change the shape of his arrows, giving him some versatility. Furthermore, at the expense of more mana, Steven can create an arrow out of pure Luminous energy. The non-physical arrow of light flies straight and is more malleable than the physical arrow, as the arrow will not break. That said, the physical arrow flies in an arc which can be useful in a strategic situation, and the arrow of light uses more mana than normal, meaning it's a little bit more limited than normal. Also, the physical arrow can still remain while the Arrow of light isn't actually solid. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. [i]Sun’s blessing[/i]: Steven can coat his body with golden light, enhancing his speed, strength and stamina. The aura burns his enemies. Still weak as Steven is just a n00b. Negates low level magic because it's luminosity. Additionally, Steven can imbue Sun's blessing on an object or an ally to give its buffs to said object or ally. He can also control it to an extent, for example, only activating it on his arm or something, in case he needs to be conservative. [i]Rain of light[/i]: Steven shoots an arrow upwards infused with Luminous power which splits into a hail of arrows made from the power of Luminosity. Has the magic cancellation properties and disappears after a time. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Bow mastery[/i]: Steven is really good at using the bow. [i]Really close combat[/i]: Steven is also really good at dual wielding small weapons, such as short swords or daggers, and martial arts. [i]Fast thinking[/i]: Steven thinks so much that his reflexes are affected by it. In tight spots, things seem to slow down for Steven giving him time to think of his next actions. This doesn’t increase his speed, but it allows him to react much faster than the average man. [i]Instinct mode[/i]: Contrary to his personality, Steven has good instincts, which he usually never uses. But when he’s in a tough situation, there are times when his body automatically tries to deal with the situation, unconsciously guided by his needs while he is able to think consciously throughout. During instinct mode, he is usually panicking or needs to shut off the world around him in an intense situation and he loses touch with reality, instead being absorbed in his own thoughts. [b]Combat strategy:[/b] Steven usually takes a supporting role, shooting arrows into the ranks of the enemies. However, should they break through the ranks, he switches to his close combat mode which combines his body enhancing spells with fast thinking and instinct mode to destroy his enemies. His preferred method of fighting is still ranged attacks, however, and he is less inclined to be in close quarters. [b]Unique equipment:[/b] Standard issue armour, bow and curved daggers.