When the golden flames licked at his hands, Ivan recoiled in surprise. That acute sensation, the one that preceded smoldering agony—it was the prelude to burning. He quickly rubbed the embers off onto his shirt and stepped back until he was standing by the Tomislav. As Terra assaulted him verbally, every inch a dangerous threat, his face hardened. Pyro or not, it was clear that this fire-wielding maniac wasn't on his team. A giant hand reached down for the Tomislav's handle. He found himself suddenly clutched by someone else. For a moment his top-heavy body seemed liable to topple, but Ivan steadied himself and looked at the one who had grabbed him. Naturally, he was looking down; there were few he could not look down on, but this man (the one who had fallen from the sky) seemed even less impressive than most. Ivan's expression, for a few seconds, was one of surprise, but it twisted into a sadistic smile. This teeny tiny little man thought he could roughhouse him? That warranted immediate disillusionment. Still, for the moment the greater peril was Terra, so he contented himself with shoving Delsin again, this time more directly. Fortunately Delsin didn't seem too perturbed, since he immediately started talking to the scrawny one. Immediately thereafter a new stranger, one clothed in ominous black, started talking, and he and the scrawny one started moving away, all buddy-buddy. Ivan was momentarily stunned. Did these people not see that the firespitter was a major problem? He looked back at her and saw that she was still seething, ready to turn the next person who stepped toward her to cinders. “Hmph,” Ivan grunted, and in one fluid motion scooped up the Tomislav and brought it into firing position. Knowing that Terra would attempt to move forward and kill him immediately, he made sure that he was the first to fire. Bullets sprayed from the minigun's barrel toward the green-haired woman. That, however, lasted for only a moment. Quite out of nowhere, a long, thin object collided with his meaty shoulders and wrapped around his neck. His breath suddenly cut off, Ivan flinched, and the whip pulled him over onto his back. As he struggled on the ground to remove the entanglement -for he knew that if his first shots hadn't killed or debilitated Terra that she would likely immolate him- he caught a glimpse of the one who had assailed him. At first glance, it was a woman, but her legs were strangely contoured, her eyes glowing, and from the top of her cowl sprouted two hairless cat ears. Of course, the ears weren't her most attention-grabbing feature. “Careful there, big man,” she chided in some accent unknown to him, “Let's not kill each other until we figure out exactly what we're doing here, hmm?” “Aaaaaayada!”