#Not Currently accepting any more characters. ##Accepted Characters List **Ruko** by Raddum **Ghost** by Missy **Gail** by DAWNSTAR **Rhea** by Blitz **Xeal** by LokiLeo789 **Sky** by Card Captor **Raita/Raito** by Water Akira **Ellis** by c3p-Oh ##NPCs (To be made) **[Mika](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/247/8/2/female_character_concept_by_skrubhjert-d6l1egw.jpg)** By DAWNSTAR; Owner of The End Apartment building, 21 years of age as a Nobody and is a Female. **[Ronny](https://kojikisans.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/bs-male-design2.jpg)** By DAWNSTAR; Chef at The End, 20 years of age as a Nobody and is a Male. **[Unkown, Mysterious Figure](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/d/db/Mukuchi_mask.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131216044017)** By DAWNSTAR; No known job though believed to be working with/for the Heartless, unknown years of age and is a Male. **[The Stranger](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/83/fe/96/83fe9624b7be4011937624c7aa5a7518.jpg)** By DAWNSTAR; No known job nor is it known if she work for the Heartless or Nobodies, unknown age and is female.