**_~Claire Terrane & Groudon~_** **_~Road to Hiden - John, Sindri, Zavier, Corivna and their pokemon~_** _"I will protect ye from morphs or bandits, and from the King's Guard itself if it do come down to that, for one as beautiful as ye do be, Lady Claire."_ For the briefest of moments, Claire's cheeks became the same color as Groudon. _"B-beautiful? Wh-what are you talking about?!"_ She almost let that learned composure of hers slip. and her actual thoughts out. Certainly, she liked to think she was good looking, but to actually be called such by someone was quite...odd. Especially by another woman. Ever since she became head of her house most boys her age tended to not go near her. Not that she blamed them...she wasn't exactly the friendliest of people when she was with other people, especially among other nobles and the confines of her home. **"Ahem."** She cleared her throat before continuing, any discomfort she had been momentarily feeling suppressed. She merely looked a Corivana with a small amount of annoyance, ignoring the Lilly handed to her, even if it had been quite a beautiful thing. **"I do apologize for Groudon's behavior. Surely you must know the legends concerning Kyogre and Groudon as well as I do. Not that it matters now. Groudon will not disobey me."** She cast him a brief, but oddly unsettling glance. **"Isn't that right, boy?"** Groudon merely gave a low growl in confirmation. **"In any case, It is time we get going. We have already spent too long here chatting. Being late is not something I make a habit of doing."** She said, looking over the people who had gathered. Quite the large bunch for a country road. It was rather odd to her that they all gathered here like this, but perhaps odd coincidences were allowed to happen every now and then. **"I will take you up on your offer, Miss Espada."** She began to walk away, moving towards where John and Sindri were. **"John, I'll have Groudon carry Axia until she can walk herself. that is acceptable, I hope?"** She said with a small nod towards Sindri, acknowledging his presence before suddenly seeming to recall something before giving a brief glance back towards Corivana. **"Ah...and Miss Espada, if we run across any _morphs_, do not worry. If we run into any, I'll take care of the filthy beasts myself."** She spat.