![enter image description here](https://kojikisans.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/bs-female-design9.jpg "enter image title here") --- Name: Gailus "Gail" Simena Gender: Female Personality: Gail is by far the most kind woman a person could meet. Though, her years of living as a Nobody have taken a toll on her sanity and thus she isn't the most stable. She tends to question how a Nobody can both exist and not exist at the same time. It isn't rare for her to go on rants about things that have to do with nothing about the actual conversation. She also hates to be interrupted and tends to go on irrate rants about how rude it is to interrupt people. Memories: Gail has all her memories from her past life though some of them are fuzzy and seem as if they were lived by a different person. The one memory which is the clearest is the memory of her punching a boxing bag as a muffled voice cheered her on. The remembers the release of anger she felt when her first punch landed and then the joy she got from hitting the bag and recieving support from whoever it was talking to her. Weapon:![enter image description here](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/005/e/6/magic_gauntlet_by_haardod-d5qiyu9.jpg "enter image title here") Gail literally punches her opponents to death. Her gauntlets pack enough punch to break through a three inch thick concrete wall. When she is angry, the blue crystals on the gauntlets glow red. Aspect: Gil: 10 Gil, she use have more but spent it all.