Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") Name: Sky Gender: Male Personality: While not at all stupid, Sky is a very simple person. As a result, he don't buy the whole 'Nobodies don't exist, yet they do' paradox. Most of the time he is very laid back and mellow, however if he losses his patience, he can become snarky and snaps at others far more frequently. He also enjoy's fighting, although he doesn't like to fight for what he feels are stupid reasons, or pointless killing. He also can't stand strong people using their power to push around the weak. Now if the weak person started the fight, then that's another thing entirely Memories: **First Memory: The First Shot Fired** _"...Okay I give up; what the hell am I looking at?"_ _"Only my greatest creation. A new breed of weapons capable of taking on the Heartless. I call it; the Rail Cannon"_ _"Really? You're really calling your new Heartless killing weapon A Rail Cannon? I'll never understand how someone my age could be so brilliant and so stupid at the same time. Also, I hope there's more to this thing then meets the eye, because a cannon seems for too cumbersome to use as a personal weapon"_ _"Oh ye of little faith. Just watch and be amazed"_ _"Hey wait, what are you doing!? Let go of my arm! GAH! That pinched"_ _"And there we go! Fits like a glove. Heh, pun"_ _"Why the hell did you put this thing on me!? Don't tell me that you brought me here to be your guinea pig!"_ _"Don't worry Sky, I've already tested this thing and it works just fine. You're here because I need some field data. It's way too heavy for me to use, but someone like you should have no problems with it"_ _"And what makes you think that I'm just going to go along with this?"_ _"Because you're you, and I know you. You've gone through so many different kinds of weapons, and you called them all boring to use. There's no way that you're going to pass up the chance to try a new one."_ _"...Dammit, why do you know me so well?"_ _"Because we're in a bromantic relationship"_ _"Don't call it that, it sounds weird"_ _"Anyway, back to business. Learning how to shoot it"_ _"But I don't see a trigger anywhere on this thing"_ _"That's because the Rail Cannon Is controlled with the arm that it's equipped to. All you have to do to fire it is to clench your fist"_ _"But my hand is stuck palm open inside this thing, I'm not sure if I can can"_ _"Remember that pinch you felt before? Well that was the Rail Cannon connecting to your nervous system. It reads the electrical impulses sent down by your brain and reacts accordingly. Now go ahead and try to fire it. Just make sure that you're-"_ *BOOM* _" Well at least that wall will be easy to fix. So Sky, what do you think so far?"_ _"Jin. If you were a girl, this would be the part where I gave you a deep and passionate kiss"_ _"Aww, I knew you loved me too"_ Weapon: ![Training Cannon]( "Training Cannon") ![Equipped]( "Equipped") Aspect: Gil: 57. He's not sure why, but he feels that this number is somehow significant