Name: Jason Evander Age: 15 Grade: 10 Personality: Cool, Calm, Collected, very hard to anger, but don't try and test that. Because when he does get angry someone will have hell to pay. Bio: Zephyr was an only child before the incident, he was also away from home at friends houses a lot. He was still devastated when he found out what happened though. Just perhaps not as much as the other kids since he lived on his own a lot already. Plans for the GRAYZ: Try and make sure the town doesn't fall apart Freak or Normal?: Freak If you're a freak, what's your power?: Earth Manipulation Appearance [hider=Jason Evander][img][/img][/hider] There we are, kind of crappy bio and stuff but I just want to get my CS up, I'll develop him more as the RP goes on, and I will survive the GRAYZ