![The Flamewrought enters the Spartus Sector](http://thelordinquisitor.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/BattleBarge_Coteaz.jpg "The Flamewrought") "Sergeant, this is Captain Dac'tyr - get your men to the drop-pod on the double; your squad is going down to investigate." You have been told only a little of the mission, but as a space marine of the Salamanders 4th Company, the details fade against the honour that you have been called to uphold your sacred duty for the Imperium. For months you've missed the feeling of planetary mass under your feet - a time during which you have lingered in tedious patrol of the Segmentum Tempestus on the mighty battle-barge Flamewrought - an uneventful assignment so far; but seemingly, that tedium is at an end... As you make final preparations in the hanger, Captain Dac'tyr appears on visual to relay the following: "At 08.00, the Flamewrought received a priority 1 distress communication from a Adeptus Astronomica outpost on an asteroid that circulates the region. The facility was highly classified, protected by a small platoon selected from the 122nd Cadian regiment. It has become apparent that these defence forces were overrun quickly, but not before the lieutenant in charge sent the following distress signal; the majority has been corrupted: _From nowhere - They've taken the device - Taken hostages - overrun - massive losses, no hope of saving - OH GOD, THE HORROR -_ That's all we recovered, alongside the following image pieced together from his helmet-camera: ![Image 00001](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/289/f/9/01_dark_eldar_vs_cadian_140408_finals_by_luches-d830e4p.jpg "Dark Eldar") The image is telling marines. There are no signs of Dark Eldar on the surface from what we can detect, but if they have made off with something significant to a highly classified facility, we need to track them down. Gather evidence, but be on your guard - just because we can't detect them, doesn't mean they're not there! Stay vigilant and remember: the Emperor protects! Dac'tyr out." ................................. The roleplay takes place in the warhammer 40k universe. You can pick any character from any type of unit, but it must: a) Belong to the Salamanders 4th company, or have a valid reason for being on their ship / being attached to them. b) Be a sergeant or below in rank I will device a character sheet if there is interest...