: "Yeah, wish I could play too." Mike said, almost with a hint of a sigh... but he simply shrugged it off with a smile. "No no, those drums are mine. I had brought them in from storage to join a band in school, but I was denied... and I haven't had a chance to get rid of them yet. Heh, maybe I won't have to get rid of them if we end up starting that band. I think I'll hold you to that now!" he added in his usual laugh about everything in the end. "This has been my room here at Kadic ever since I moved in. They usually don't move us around unless we request our roommates to be kicked out. The one with the room first usually has priority, so you'd better watch out!" he laughed again. --- : The principal was seen sitting behind the desk, looking through papers. He had a sandwich in his hand, with several bites taken out of it. "Yesh. Phwease come in." he said as food started to spill out of his mouth, and he attempted to cover and catch it at the same time. He finished swallowing his food, and set the rest of his barely touched sandwich to the side. He cleaned off the papers on his desk, and started sifting through them again. "Please, sit down Mr. Chang." he said to you. "Here are your papers, like usual Mr. Chang." he said, handing them over. "Are you comfortable with having a roommate this year? It's alright if you don't, we almost have enough now... but each volunteer helps." he asked you. It was obvious after you answered his questions there was nothing else to say, and you were free to leave. Unless you had a question, then he would surely answer you quickly.