"C'mon, man, it'll be fun," [Timothy](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2323135)'s acquaintance insisted, as the former retrieved a Nescafé from the vending machine. "It is barbaric," Tim's eyes met his gaze. "Dumb." "There you go again, man. Always a downer." "I told you, Aiden, I'm not interested in participating in the student politics here. I am not joining Michael's..." he rolled his eyes as he tried to find the appropriate word, "... gang." "Staying neutral is dangerous, bro." "I've been safe for a week; I'll be safe for the rest of the semester." At this, Aiden sighed. "Well, I don't recommend that, but it's your choice. But even if you don't wanna join the groups, it should be a good show with Lietman and Anderson." "I would rather go to church," Tim said honestly. But then there were figures in the distance calling out Aiden's name, and so he had to excuse himself. "Ah, man, I gotta go. See you later, Tim!" "Of course," Tim said distantly, and then he began to make way for the library, resolute in his disinterest towards the upcoming fight. Walking down the hallways and greeting cordially one of his teachers who happened to cross paths with him, he finished his coffee rather quickly, and so made proper use of the trash bins at the library entrance, which wasn't too much of a hassle to find, since he had been using the facility quite often since his arrival here. _"It is good to stay out of all that,"_ Cadwal voiced as the doors were opened. _"They are all gifted handsomely by the Lord, and they misuse their powers in an ugly, selfish game."_ _"Thank you. I needed that."_ _"You plan to finish your Pacific War book in this place?"_ _"I should be finished with it before lights-out."_ His eyes dragged themselves all over the place till he found the nearest table that was also rather vacant. He took note of the [girl](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2323885) so comfortably asleep even against the hard wooden surface, but decided to use the spot anyway. Treading lightly, Timothy pulled out a chair across her, sat down, and engaged the built-in book rest and began to read about the largest banzai charge in the history of the Pacific War. _"I wonder if she slumbered through her classes,"_ Cadwal commented, but Timothy gave no reply, engrossed as he was, being transported back in time to witness Admiral Nagumo, architect of the victory at Pearl Harbor, commit honorable suicide.