####**Name:** Flynn Muiredach ####**Age:** 17 ####**Village:** Kambr (a village in the North, mainly centred around mining and metalworking) ####**Appearance:** Short, stocky and hippy, Flynn stands at 5’4” and weighs 135lbs. She’s quite well-muscled, specifically her arms and upper body. She’s fair-skinned with a patchwork of assorted scars, mostly accumulating on her arms. She has large, vivid green eyes and a charming, nearly ever-present grin. Her hair is quite the thing, being a large curly mess of blonde and light red. She holds herself confidently and proudly, and her voice, stance, and actions all reflect this. ####**Bio:** Flynn’s mother died in childbirth, a common occurrence, leaving her to be raised by her father and her older brothers, all metalworkers. Their relationships were close, and she was taught the trade from the time she was strong enough to lift a hammer. Born deaf, it was her father who taught her how to communicate in sign language and even to speak, and her brothers learned sign language to communicate with her. ####**Personality:** Flynn is nothing if not upbeat. Confident and optimistic, she’s always ready with a crude joke or a new, brighter outlook in an attempt to lighten the mood. She greatly values her independence and freedom, and preserving the independence and freedom of others. This said, she’s also ready to help people, as long as they sincerely need it. She won’t jump to the rescue of someone who can help themselves. She also won’t tolerate pity: she got quite her fill of that as a child, and these days refuses even to acknowledge her deafness as any kind of handicap. Fiercely loyal, she values trust and family above all else, and will do her best to make some kind of relationship with everyone around her, whether it be positive or not. She’s raucous and loud, and at times insubordinate, a trait that will likely be corrected with a bit of time in the wolfheall. She's not sensitive by any stretch of the imagination, but she is quick and fierce to anger. Flynn has trouble communicating deep thoughts or feelings, and gets very uncomfortable around sad people, having no idea how to handle it. She has a tendency to hide her problems, be it a twisted ankle or a broken heart. Nothing if not tough, she’ll try to maintain that image no matter what, not wanting to appear weak. ####**Other:** Flynn has two large, notable scars, one being a large burn scar spanning across the palm and fingers of her right hand (limiting the sensitivity of feeling in that hand) and a larger burn scar on the outer side of her left forearm, spanning from the back of her hand to her elbow. Flynn was born deaf. She can read lips to an extent, understands sign language best, and can speak. Her speech sounds very strange, being somewhat slurred, with words said oddly (pronounced a bit differently, emphasized in a different place, etc.). (You can google ‘deaf accent’ for an example of what her voice would sound like at first. However throughout the RP her speech will gradually improve due to hearing through her wolf) ####This will probably be edited a bit in the time coming, so if any major changes occur I'll let people know.