Okay, I assume you're familiar with Sin-Eater. So I'll leave you to it. I just read your interest check post so I figured I'd answer your questions real quick. As far as posting goes it will vary a bit since I know Wind, Synth and I all have some other things going on but I'd like to see something once a week however that's like my dream circumstance because I know i probably can't even manage that time line, I should hope to posting wont take more than like 3 at max but I would assume that some where in between those two extremes is where it actually will be (God Willing). As far as conflict resolution, in my mind the answer in terms of non dice rolling games is: Whatever makes a good story. I personally will sacrifice character after character on that altar so long as it makes a good story. Obviously I think that its important to have them stick around for development but I tend to just go with it and if I need to make a decision on who lives and who dies we can always take it to the dice if its necessary but I don't think that will occur that often (if at all) I think that answered all of the questions??