Name: Jerus Jericho Age: 23 Gender: Male Race(mermaid, wingly, human.): Human Dragoon Spirit: Violet Weapon: Hand-and-a-half sword and dagger Appearance: Red hair with a subtle hint of black, making it darker than normal, lean, muscular build, earned from years working in fields and helping the blacksmith, 5' 10" tall, with blue-green eyes Personality: Jerus is a quick wit with a subtle serious side, often making light of situations no matter how grave they are and always will to lend a helping hand. The only time you see him be serious is when someone's life beside's his own is in immediate danger. Is also quite the chivalrous gentleman. History: Jerus was born the son of a blacksmith in the city of Fletz in Tiberoa. Most of his youth is reminiscant of working in the forge, helping his father both make and repair armor, weapons and even house hold items. When he wasn't doing that, he went and helped his friends work in the fields, whether it be tilling, planting or harvesting, he'd do it all. This led to a very athletic young man. When he turned 18, he set out on his own, his father having taught him the basics of how to hold and use a sword and dagger in combination. In the words of his father, "Just a sword keeps you from always hitting and just a dagger means you get too close. The two together are a perfect balance." Keeping those words in mind, he's traveled ever since, unable to find a suitable place to become a blacksmith and, while he enjoyed helping with it, he wasn't meant to be a farmer. As he's traveled, he's grown more and more proficient with his chosen weapons, having been taught a little more by soldiers and guards on their down time.