Allen stopped as he heard the kid who seemed to think he was too cool for school begin to talk to him. Crossing his arms, turning to the offending party. "Yes, I am indeed Allen. I'd prefer you'd call me Al, unless this is formal for some reason or another." He scratched his nose idly, before returning to the conversation. "As for how I'm doing? I'm doing as well as any other day I have to sit in class with a Teacher I'm half afraid will use me for witch hunting practice, an upstart who thinks they know everything, and a third guy who can't keep his eyes open, not to mention the other things I've had to deal with." Al snarled a bit. "And how was yours?" His tone of voice was not even close to friendly or conversational. --- Myth sighed happily, enjoying the open sky. He had his back to the sun, mostly because he thought it was creepy, and was enjoying the day. After a few moments, however, he realized he probably should follow Al around and make sure he didn't make enemies of everyone the first day of school, and returned inside. He wrung his hands nervously as he walked the halls, looking for his Meister, before ending up back at the Cafeteria. _As good as place as any to start looking_, he thought.