The orange feline purred at the pets and the smile the man gave, despite not being able to see much of his face other then the mouth. Karn felt this man wasn't exactly a bad man. So far at least. Yet it was also probably because he was seen as a simple cat. Despite that thought, he'd like to go with the feeling that this wasn't some sort of evil villain. After all, some people in such a place underground would probably yell at some fur ball for being there. It had taken time and luck to even get here, so it must be somewhat important. The others would probably have difficulty finding such a place with guards around. This man didn't smell like a Transformation wizard, so he probably couldn't tell as of yet what exactly this cat was. The question was to reveal that information or not. He wasn't sure if this man even knew what was going on outside. Still undecided, Karn looked up at the man, ears perked now as some nerves left him. Glancing to the book with his emerald gaze, the feline lept on the table and sat on his haunches, gently pawing the top of the book. Not hard enough to move it, only a light tap to somewhat show his interest in it.