Alakai was probably going to join Kali in her nightmares about spiders, because anyone would get scared when facing such a creature. Still, he swung at the large creature with normal attacks. His tactic for this fight was a little different though. He stayed defensive for the moment. As he wanted to make sure he remembered all of this boss' attacking patterns. So apart from doing a normal attack every now and then to keep aggro, he only focused on avoiding being hit, and remembering it's patterns. After about a minute he was done analysing. He glanced towards Kali, noticing that she was standing quite far back, but still in range. No surprise... If he had been a healer, he would have done the same. But he was the tank, so sooner or later he would have to get used to standing at the front lines anyway. _"Move forward...if this world is real, and we wake up in here again tomorrow, you'll have no other choice. This is a new beginning, don't mess it up."_ He thought to himself as he finally charged in to start doing real damage. Now that he knew it's patterns, he knew when to move back to avoid an attack. So he started to burn through his mana by using brawl over and over again. This attack was meant as a low damage skill for lower levels, and a filler attack for higher levels. It wasn't meant to be spammed at low levels, as it still cost too much mana. But this was the last fight, and they had plenty of tea to replenish mana. So there was no reason to hold back. The same went for Kali, and it was definitely needed. As, while Alakai managed to avoid the two special attacks the spider did, the normal attacks and poison were still going through. At least she could mostly focus on cleansing the poisons, as it would take at least 5 minutes or so before the normal damage would 'kill' him. "Kali, this will be an endurance test on your part! It has more hp than I remembered!" That, and the boss was level 21 and had natural armor. The armor was probably applied in the update that had seemingly sent them there, as the boss didn't have it in the beta. So Alakai's attacks didn't do as much damage as he had hoped. He was doing about 25 damage per second with this tactic, so it would take a good 2.5 minutes to kill the boss.