**"Wow..."** Altzer said aloud, looking down from the roof of the apartment complex. **"Where am I?"** As he looked down, he couldn't recognize any landmarks to tell him where specifically he was in Ikebukuro. And he was sure this wasn't his apartment complex either. He'd spent maybe 2 hours now? Going rooftop to rooftop, searching for a good way to get home. _I thought high places were the best for this kind of thing._ He thought. He had been trying to get home quickly using his photon form, but he'd hit a wall maybe, or someone's mirror, or something; he bounced off it, he'd panicked and gone straight up and he'd gone on top of some apartment building. Naturally, being the genius he was, he'd decided the best course of action was to go from rooftop to rooftop to hopefully find a way to get home without getting seen. _I still have to get used to this, I suppose._ It reminded him of the day before, and the first time he'd used his powers... --- _**The Previous day...**_ **"Wow..."** Altzer said aloud, looking down from the roof of his apartment complex. **"Where am I?"** He was sure he'd been having breakfast just before. He'd sat down after making some instant ramen to enjoy it, when suddenly, he felt his stomach drop and he somehow ended up on the roof? Suddenly, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out, and he was surprised to see he'd gotten a message? Then he read it. ...He felt that there should've been some X3 in there, or at least some :D. _I guess there's the XOXO and all,_ He thought, _But still..._ There was also the murder part. But he'd sort of glossed over that because of how unreal the tone of the message had made it sound... Then he got the other message. This one had a cartoonish face of a girl in it, along with the simple message: <_If you wanna survive, use this!_>. _I'm sure an XD would've been fine..._ He thought as he looked at the screen. He started to download the 'Colour Tracker' and put his phone away to reassess his situation. _So, I just got superpowers._ He thought. Several questions arose in his mind, such as: _How do these powers work? What's the limit on these powers? What's the limit on this wish?_ All however, became eclipsed by one other thing. _Wait! My ramen's getting cold and I still have school today don't I!_ With that, Altzer ran for the roof exit as fast as he could and returned to his daily life, or at least for a few more hours... --- _**Present Day...**_ **"Wow..."** Altzer said aloud, looking down from the roof of another apartment complex. **"Where am I now?"** As he'd been reminiscing, he'd decided to try his luck and fly around randomly, but he'd just ended up on another apartment complex which looked exactly the same as the one he was just on, and was definitely not his apartment complex. _Maybe I should try again..._ He thought. Then he looked down at his watch. _Ahhh! I have to get home already!_ Looking around desperately, he decided to try his luck at ground level. He looked back down over the side of the apartment complex, and saw that it was home to a deserted alleyway. _Good._ He thought. Climbing onto the edge, he stood up and jumped off into the air. As he started to fall, he focused and he felt the now familiar feeling of change. He felt time slow down suddenly, and he saw his vision seemed to disintegrate as his body changed into photon form. He couldn't see while in Photon Form, but he could sense where the Photons that made up his body were going. When he shifted in and out of his Photon Form, a large amount of his Photons were scattered which he somehow knew made a large flash, but had the added benefit of giving him something similar to echo location. After school the previous day, he'd spent most of the day practicing controlling his Photon Form. As he did so, he discovered a few curious facts. He could change himself and his clothes into Photon Form as well as what he was holding to a certain extent. How his power judged stuff to be either held or clothing, he didn't know. He could change his bag if he was holding it into Photon Form, but he couldn't change a held item any bigger than a pen. The feeling of his hypothetical Photon Form Feet touching solid ground snapped him back to reality and he instantly changed back into physical form before he bounced off the ground. As time returned to normal speed, and his vision reconstructed, he realized he'd made a mistake. **"Whoops, is this my battle form?"** Looking down, he saw he was wearing his 'battle uniform' which he'd designed and committed to memory the day before. He was wearing some clothes which he though would look cool, and he'd sliced off some extra height to convert the mass into extra muscle for running and climbing. He'd also made himself look about 12 years old, mainly for cosmetic purposes. He'd found out the previous day that he could manipulate and change his physical form. He also found that he couldn't do anything more than his mass allowed, as his power clearly followed the laws of physics. For some reason, he couldn't change the mass of anything that wasn't 'his'. How his power decided ownership he also didn't know. **"Ahhh, whatever."** He said dismissively. As long as he didn't run into anyone he knew, it would probably be fine to run around in his Battle Form. He did look just like a kid really, and kids didn't get judged too much for wearing weird clothes. Also, most of the other students were probably at home by now, so he was probably fine unless they were running as late as he was. Altzer walked to the mouth of the alley he was in, and looked both ways, looking out for anyone who would potentially recognize him. _Good thing my parents went away for a week._ He thought as he looked. _They'd probably have a lot of questions if I came home like this._ The boy didn't notice, but as he ran into the rushing crowds, a mysterious cloaked figure materialized in the alleyway. The figure raised his hand, and an ornate gothic coffin slowly appeared, as if pulled from the very fabric of reality itself by an invisible hand. As the coffin materialized, the figure pulled out a modern smartphone, and seemed to study the screen for a few moments. A few seconds later, the figure put the phone away and proceeded to open the coffin and step inside its dark confines. The coffin closed, and a few seconds it later disappeared the same way it had materialized.