*Freedom.* Kai always felt this when he ran. Sprinting across the rooftops of the city, Kai, vaulted over a low pipe and slid under a high one. He was reaching the edge of the building he was on, so he quickly glanced back. Yep... two small time gangsters chasing after him still. They never give up do they? Kai blasted two small fireballs from his hand, but missed, as they split off to the sides of each pursuer. Kai whipped around to face the edge of the building which was only about 10 steps away, the next building was a good leap away but Kai had jumped this before. Kai sped up and when he reached the very edge he sprang from it to the other building. A great rush of air passed him and Kai felt the sense of freedom again. After what felt like an age, Kai reached the other building but he misjudged the distance as his foot caught the side, making him fall. Kai clambered up eventually and sat on the side towards the apartment complex he just jumped from, witnessing the two frustrated chasers cussing him from afar. Kai happily gave them both the finger and stood up before starting to run again. His wrist communicator began to buzz, drawing Kai's attention. It was a call to Green Heights, only a couple of blocks away. Kai decided to set off but figured that street level would be good so clambered down an alleyway before running on ground level to get to Green Heights. When he reached the place he entered the elevator and put his gas mask into his bag as he awaited the elevator to open again.