![enter image description here](http://cs7010.vk.me/c540102/v540102784/4a0/cb9rD0hVqbA.jpg "enter image title here") _You are all scum, all of you, that's why you are DEAD...... Some of you were criminals, some of you were misunderstood tortured souls, some of you were truly insane, but it doesn't matter youre all in the ground now. Some of you are ashes, looking at these files a few of you are in dumpster trucks and forests.....never mind. My name is Cain Mitchell and I recently became god. Well not really but I learned how to bring souls back to a conscious state how? well the magic of science and a bit of good old fashioned voodoo of course how the fuck else? Now I'm gonna send you all to a House, and we will play a series of games, yes yes you will get PLENTY of opportunities to fight and kill and whatever else amuses you, but because you are already dead and this House is on the semi mortal plane I might even bring you back in the game depending on the circumstances.... _ The winner? well you need an incentive to play? fuuccckk I don't know, how about another chance at life? yeah I'll do that for one of you, bring you back to the world that you terrorized or terrorized you depending on how you view these things. So sign up at that lobby ad I'll explain how this all works...._ **-Cain L Mitchell** **Name** (If you have a cool nickname throw that In, we love that shit) **Age** (no not your proper chronological age the age you were when killed or died dummy) **Year of death**: (Nobody from before 1800 or after 2030 I'm sick of Knights and space marines) **Method of Death**: (How did you die? grisly details if you want, but if you don't want to get upsetting memories then just give me short version) **Crimes**: (don't worry I'm not the cops just tell me all the bad shit you did, its why you are here of course) **Appearance**:(image or just give me a pretty ass flowery description) **Weapon**: You only get one and I'll assign it to you AFTER you complete the rest of the form **Backstory**: (the more interesting the better, this is what really is gonna get you in to the game so at LEAST one paragraph) **Height and Weight**: (boring but its procedure) I await your submissions....(Casual-Advanced)