'New Bricks' was a nice home, and better yet, it was nice to finally be home. Shun enjoyed his work, but the work was 18 hours a day, 6 days a week, and there were very few 'luxuries'. Even having a cup of coffee was a rare pleasure. Too many things caused too many problems in his line of work and so they became forbidden. He'd arrived back to Ikebukuro early this morning. He stepped through the front door, threw his duffel bag onto his bed and immediately moved to the bathroom and ran himself a steaming hot bath. He relaxed as soon as he got in and the aches and pains gathered from the last 5 months instantly melted away. He closed his eyes and rested for a while before he noticed the water starting to cool. He got out and dried himself off. In his room he put on his usual attire and climbed out onto the ledge outside his window. He sat on the edge and dangled his legs over the side. His window sat directly over the front door and in the direction of the rising sun. He slipped a small case from out of his breast pocket, popped it open and removed a cigarette. He replaced the small case and brought out his lighter. Using his free hand to cup the end of his cigarette, he ignited the lighter and set his cigarette ablaze before it gently started to burn. He poked the lighter into his pocket and took a long drag on his cigarette. He savoured the smoke in his lungs for a few seconds before releasing it into the air in one long exhale. He cast his gaze over the early morning light spreading across the parts of the city that he could see. A small smile spread across his lips. **"It is good to be home again."** Judging by the emanating noise from behind him, he could only assume that it was time for the others to set off for school and college. He lived with two others. Max was 20, and originally from England, but had now been living in Japan for a few years now and was attending the local College. Yuno, on the other hand, was a local who had become bored living at home and moved out. She was 16 and went to school locally. The landlady was her Aunt and lived next door. **"Mornin' Shun. Back already are we?"** Said a voice from below Shuns legs. It was Max, heading off to College. He was always early, last Shun knew, he was attempting to woo a fellow student who was always early at college for self-study. **"Good morning to you as well, Max. You are up early as usual I see. Tell me, are you still stalking that fair maiden from your class?"** Shun asked with a smirk on his face. Max had now stepped out onto the street and was looking up at Shun. He smiled and waved at his house-mate. Shun nodded in response, his second cigarette hanging from his mouth. Max averted his gaze and scratched his head as he spoke. **"Actually, we've been... uh... dating for a few weeks now... ha.. ha.."** **"Is that right? Well good for you, man. Well, do not keeping her waiting on account of me will you, I will talk to you later. Unless you have something better to do."** Shun winked at Max, who blushed slightly, shook his head and scuttled off. Max was always such a shy boy. By the time Shun had finished his second cigarette he started to wonder where the third house-mate was, although he wasn't too surprised, she was often late for school. His phone rumbled in his pocket. He pulled it out. _Unknown Number._ It said on the front. Which was curious, because Shun rarely got messages as it was, let alone from unknown numbers. After reading it, he chuckled, obviously someone had sent this to the wrong number, there was no way such a joke was meant for Shun. He locked his phone and mused on the message anyway. Last one standing? What the hell did that mean? With that thought in mind, there was suddenly a loud scream from down below. **"Waaaaah!! What the hell!? Shun!? When did you get back? Your legs scared the hell out of me you moron. I'm a kill you."** She said as she tugged on the pair of legs. Shun wriggled his legs free and dropped to the ground and faced the young girl. **"Morning, Yuno. Energetic as always huh? Oh, are you not late for school?"** **"Don't you 'Morning, Yuno' me It's not my fault I'm late there was a cool show on last night and then I slept in and then you and your stupid legs..."** She didn't pause at all in that sentence and suddenly gasped for air. **"Take me to school!"** Shun shrugged and walked down the street toward her school. **"W-wait for me, idiot!"** As they travelled they talked about what they'd been up to over the last few months, although it was mainly Yuno talking. First, because she liked to talk, a lot. And second, Shun didn't really have a lot that he wanted, or even could, say. Shun waved goodbye to the girl as she mingled into a group of other girls who were giggling and pointing at Shun. He shook his head and headed toward the centre of the city. It'd been a long day of browsing around the shops and drinking at his favourite dive, but it was getting late in the day and Shun was now heading back toward home. He turned a corner to find an empty street apart from a small, blue-haired kid in the middle of the road, arms crossed, looking directly at Shun. **"Yo, I've been waiting for you. Let's do this!"**