Get your ass in here, now. I would want that, and while we have a marksman (BigPapaBelilal's character), I want to have that character, it sounds excellent. At this time, Indians were mixed in their treatment. Racism did exist, but in the military, racism isn't as prevalent as it is in Society- look at the Gurkhas as an example. I mean, what I would say, is that in IC, a character such as Andrew might use a slur, but it would as I say, be in IC. I would say that at Britain at the time, there was underlying tensions (but it only really boiled over in the 60s), so an Indian character would be fine. I'd actually love to see that happen, so go right on ahead. Though word of note- I'd stray from Marksman, perhaps go for a Automatic Rifleman or a Machinegunner, Anti-Tank or even perhaps a Grenadier- we need a little more firepower in the team, if you could, though tell me what you reckon and we can work something out.