"Heartless? Damn, here I am just wanting five more minutes of sleep." He mumbled lazily as he slowly stood up and yawned. He glanced at the black things, they were watching the group. He was perplexed, were they suppose to be afraid of the black creatures.? Were they suppose to fight the seemingly harmless Shadows? "They look harmless enough, mind if I go back to sleep?" He asked out loud as he looked around. A woman who was wearing a pair of gauntlets was interrupted by mysterious figure who seemed to appear out of thin air when she attempted to attack the Shadows. As the mysterious man began talking, Xeal's chest began to ache. It felt to him as if there was something missing, something integral to his very being. "What the hell, what's going on?" He muttered to himself as the aching began to fade. Xeal felt the ache disappear and be replaced they a heavy weight in his hands. As he looked down towards his upheld palms, he noticed two knives that previously weren't. "That's weird." He said as he looked around at the others. Two of them seemed to have formed weapons quite like Xeal's had while the rest seem to be stunned by the appearance of the black figures. Xeal glanced at the black creatures, Heartless they were called, as one of them danced and jerked about wildly. The Heartless flattened into the ground as if was a real shadow and advanced towards Xeal. As soon as it was in front of Xeal, the Heartless jumped up into his face as it were taunting him. "Holy shit!" Xeal yelled as he swung his blade blindly at the airborne Heartless. The blind swing was a direct hit and sent the shadow flailing backwards until it hit the ground and rolled away. Xeal noticed another shadow jump at him from behind. He spun to slash his blade at the shadow, hitting it directly in the gut. "Okay, let us play some more." He grunted as he readied himself for the shadow's counter attack.