**Sebastian and Quazar, Ayero, Ladly Woods** Sebastian knew the bird was snubbing him, and it was pissing him off a great deal. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he considered what he was going to do. Him and Aleida couldn't both ride Belle, and he doubted he'd be able to catch up with either of them on foot. Suddenly, a [shrieking cry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1UniUgUf78) pierced through the air, causing Sebastian to look up into the sky. Coming in from way up above was Quazar in all of his majesty. He stopped just above the treetops, staring right down at Sebastian. **_Hello Sebastian, did you miss me?_** Quazar spoke to him through their mental connection, but it was only between them and nobody else could here it. _'I missed you like a missing having to pass a kidney stone, besides, how can I miss someone whose never there'_ Sebastian replied bitterly, his already soured mood becoming even worse at the legendary dragon's remark. _'Anyway, you did come just in time as I happen to need a ride.'_ **_Is that anyway to speak to your partner_** _"Nope, good thing I don't consider you a partner, just an aquaintence. so are you going to help me out or not." _ **_. . . Fine, climb up the trees and get in the harness_** Sebastian nodded, climbing up the nearest tree with a practiced grace and ease, jumping on to Quazar's form when he reached the top of one. He then crawled up to the harness situated near Quazar's head. Once he was nice and strapped in, he looked down at the three below him, a snarky smile on his face. "I may not have been entirely truthful earlier, so allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Sebastian Liastine, former heir of the now defunct House Liastine of Lugere, and this is my aquiantence, Quazar, though you may know him better as the legendary pokemon Rayquaza. Now before you say anything about how I lied about having a pokemon, that isn;t true, foe you see, I am not his master, and he doesn't have to listen to me. We are merely stuck together by fate and circumstance. Now then, since that's out of the way, let's have Belle escort us to the lair of our quarry and the location of her master." **Fang, Lugere, Snow Crest, Arceus Spike Mountains** Fang and her group, comprising of Ash, a Salamence Morph, and Fluff, an Altaria Morph, were currently overlooking the human settlement of Snow Crest. They were in human form, and were currently wearing clothes befitting the climate, all of them shivering and cursing their dual-weakness to ice. Ash was a tall man, with red marks around his golden eyes, and wild red hair. Fluff was a slender women who had blue and white hair and ice blue eyes. "I don't see why were considering making a deal with a human for land in the area, they'll turn us in the second we have our backs turned." Ash stated, not liking the plan in the slightest. "Besides, I thought we were heading to Ayero, not Lugere, why the change." Fang sighed, giving Ash a glare that said 'shut the fuck up before I frickin' blast you', before replying. "Because Lugere is a much more dangerous place for Morphs due to House Umbraisis placing High bounties on any and all morphs Dead or Alive, with Alive being preferred. I know this place better than any of the clan, and it would be selfish of me to send others while I went off to Ayero. As for why we're here, it's simple. From the few times we've sent people over here to gain information, it's been stated that the lord of this settlement is under constant threat of assassination. He gives us land, we offer to protect him from assassins. We could have Noiverns and Talonflames patrol the skies, Dragalge to taste his food for poisons, and Haxorus and Tyrantrum to guard his home and hunt assist in the hunting of the local game. In exchange, he gives us land and protection from any morph hunters tha might find us here. Plus, this place is rather isolated, so the chance of discovery is very low, and our main worries will be the Ice-types that roam the woods, but we have counter measure for that already prepared. So then, any more Questions Ash?" Silence was the only answer she needed. With a nod, she started walking into the town towards the manor, Ash and Fluff following close behind.